Che -Guevara

What's going with Erhiopia's Orthodox Church

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The amhara feel cornered expect more riots in gonder bahirdar Addis Ababa . Its jawars plan to divide the 2 churches. Into an oromo one and amhara one. Jawar is the most hateful fellow towards amharas and their church.  This is actually for the tigreans. I think the honeymoon is about to be over. 

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The Amhara Orthodox Church is losing power and prestige. Just like the Ukrainians church separated from the Russian church, the Oromo want their own church separate from the Amharic speaking hierarchy.  The idea of Amharic priest being in charge of church services in Amharic is over, people want their own language.. It was Abiy Ahmed who reconciled the divided Orthodox church with one living in exile , yet they blame him of these these changes.


The Ahmara cannot understand that freedom means people will choose their own faith leaders without their consent. Also, the protestant Oromo segment is getting bigger due to their connections with America. The selfish  actions of these backward Amhara colonial tactics will lead to Rwanda style genocide if they do not lower their incitement. The old Ethiopia led by highlanders from the North is over.

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As far as religious issues go, it can be summarized as follows:

1. Conflicts and frictions among sects in Islam

2. Conflicts and friction among Christians

3. Conflicts and frictions among Islam and Christian


Every Kilil/state in Ethiopia suffers from all or 2 or 1 of these conflicts.

The exception are Somali, Afar and Tigray. Why?

There was some problems started in Kililka in the 90s, but the people put out these fires immediately.


The only reasons I can see why Somali, Afar and Tigray do not suffer from these problems is:

1. These are the oldest in both Islam and Christian faiths, the rest of Ethiopia is recdent and new to these faiths including the Amxara.

2. Culturally the three kilil population has long tradition and conservative societies that respects their past. Others have changed and still changing with every empire and very unstable. Its funny that Oromo and Amxara fighting over Orthodox when both are recent converts.

2. Politicians in the 3 Kilils do not use faith differences and frictions in politics. You will never see a Kililka official favouring one sect or another. But you will see an Oromo or Amxara doing sect preference easily.


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If the oromo succeeding to build their separate church it means oromo are changing Ethiopia. For centuries the shewan oromo and amhara shewan dominated Ethiopia politics through that church. It's very interesting what's happening in Ethiopia.  Waxa laga yaaba inay kala furfurto Itoobiya.



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You may be missing something.

Orthodox Christian is known to be Tigray (Eritrea and Ethiopia). All others are converted into Orthodox by Tigray and Tigre (Eritrea). Now Tigre are mostly Muslim and Tigray are mostly Christians.

Amhara and especially Oromos are recent converts.

Similar also for Muslims. Tigray/Tigre/Afar are first then everybody else. Oromo are very recent converts by Somalis from east and south and Afar/Argoba/Tigray from North.




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