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How do you make good title for threads?

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salamu calaykam,



So many good topics posted in SOL containing many good, informative messeges have been lost in the recycle bin. These aren't the fault of the messege itself, it's laregly due to the messenger, who evidently fails to create just the perfect attention grabbing title. You have to have good title. You can't hook the fish without the worms.



Adam Zayla, MMA, are some of the few solers i have seen create a attention grabbing titles. Adam Zayla is know to simply put the subject of the thread on the topic in plain and simple fashion. If topic is about 'canada' he puts canada...plain and simple. If it's about an animal he puts the name of that animal. that is bound to get more viewers.


MMA, has different style. He usually uses differnt post marks. he says 'Wadan ayaan ahaan jirnayn'. That kinda topic is not complete, it leaves members wondering what exactly he is talking about and that leads them to click and proceed.


In order to have successful topic started, several factors must be in play.



1. topic starter must be known to start out good topics. If you are known to be mr./ms. cantrabaqash then no one will give flying rat of what you post. NG is good topic starter as example. He has so much credibilit for being funny and smart. So anything he posts gets top rated reviews. It's special quality to have.


2. In must b in the form of a question: 'do you, did you, have, could, should?? etc..


3. It must be conterversial. A topic that isn't open to scrutny or critism is not a good topic. Its' just lame and boring. Take Duke as example. Most of his topics are open to critism so they draw more attention.


4. keep 'em short and manageable. oodwayne is an example, but he makes it up by bebolding, using italics on his most important points.



threads with long, w/out attention grabbing title, or concerning boring subject draw no interest from anyone.




As for respondents, One liners like Norf, Dabshid, and JB come to mind. They've mastered the art of the 'deadly one liners'. it's special talent me thinks.


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1. topic starter must be known to start out good topics. If you are known to be mr./ms. cantrabaqash then no one will give flying rat of what you post. NG is good example.

Red sea, Ngonge posts always get responses, if nothing else, they make you laugh, and they have a good vibe around them.


I'm not so much as a title person, I tent to read threads from certain people, rather than the title. I have a little list in my head and they even have order which I read them in. There are people who I would never ever open their threads regardless of how good the title is.


So you can say I use character based judgment rather than title.

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mind are urs to judge. but if I may, then I think my topics are awesome.





that is another way to go.


I actually meant to say that NG's topics are classic examples of good topics.

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Baxarka, just checked your last 4 or 5 topics, they all are title questions, open questions, closed questions, and probing question, why is that, going with your suggestion, titles with no questions would get good audience oo awliyaa-ullaahi ah smile.gif



Actually, it is not just you, I have seen others doin it too.

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It's something I've seen runtii with my own thread.


Only the patient ones like you said look at dead non attention grabbing topic. Not everyone is like that though.

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Some posters are naturally talented writers and attract attention due to their personna on SOL( eg, Nur, Ngonge, Xiin, AT, im trying to think of girls/ladies?)


Other topics just get loads of replies because they are controversial:


if I started a topic sayinG, " Somaliland has better ocean than Puntland-i would have a 10 pager by 2pm. Or IF I said, " 95% of SOmali women are ugly- i would a mini civil war.


On the other hand, some titles of threads are just cleverly worded, check the difference:


1. Somali factions attend a briefing session at the UN.


2. The march of the peace caravan: SOmalia is back.

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looooool exactly my point. You gettin this.


Laakin, let there be known also it takes one or two threads to turn off your audience. Trying to regain their respect can be difficult and steep climb just ask Tusbaxle he lost my vote ever since aan isku dhacnay. (:

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What are you...still in high school? Your threads can't be liked, nor loved by everyone...jumping through hoops just to get mass attention is just wrong.


Forget about it.

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I don't think I read what's posted just because they have an eye catching Ibtisam said I read what certain members of SOL post regardless the title so for me its rather the poster than the title that attracts me and when I want to post something the title is the least thing I worry about and so should you...because regardless the title I will always read what Mr Red Sea posts. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Baddacas, does this thread have a good, attention-getting title? :D


If you have read newspapers more frequently, one would know the subtle art of attention-grabbing headlines and sub-headlines, siiba kuwa tabloidka la dhaho ku dheerayaan. Threads on forums are not that much different.

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Ms DD   

I read what certain members of SOL post regardless the title so for me its rather the poster than the title that attracts me

Name names people....

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Yes it's. Though I wish sometimes I was still in High School; such careless times.




Your hooked, so it must have good title.

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