
Ethiopia's President and Cheeseman's wife... worlds apart.

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On another note, Ethiopian President who is fluent in English delivered her UN Speech in her own Amhara language.

In comparison, Cheeseman with his 7th grade oral presentation skills presented in mostly broken English. It was dull, very little eye contact, no tone and no punctuation. Little wonder that the hall was left 90% empty.


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Mushkiladda ugu wayn oo qurbaha laga dhaxlay raggii iyo dumarkii isku cod bay noqdeen iyo isku dhaqan.

Waligay umasoo joogin mana maqal rag ka hadlaya dumar iyo dhar xirashadiis.!

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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  On 9/27/2019 at 1:29 PM, Apophis said:

I always wondered why those Somalis in America can spend decades in the US and yet speak broken English. Waa yab.

They speak like hillbilies which is very funny.

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I think it is not just the difficulty with English, it is difficulty with presenting orally. There are many people who can't speak very well but still deliver a memorable and engaging speech. 

Cheeseman cannot even deliver a speech in Somali language. Go figure.



This is how you deliver a speech, the tone, the raised voice, the eye contact. These are all what makes a great speech and keeps people listening to you. 

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  On 9/27/2019 at 2:03 PM, gooni said:

Mushkiladda ugu wayn oo qurbaha laga dhaxlay raggii iyo dumarkii isku cod bay noqdeen iyo isku dhaqan.

Waligay umasoo joogin mana maqal rag ka hadlaya dumar iyo dhar xirashadiis.!

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Tani dumar maha waa hooyadii Qaranka :D

Hooyadii Qaranka oo dharkii hurdada soo xidhatay, waliba dharkii hurdada ee dumarka Korea. Bal adba. :D Hadii sadex-qayd ama guntiino soo xidhanlahayd sow lama yidhaahden alayle dhaqankii ayay huwantay. :D 

nin durbaan qaatay ilaaq dalbay. hadii ay doonayso in aan laga hadal, inay gurigeedii iska joogto sow maha?


  • Thanks 1

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Hooyada qaranka haday noqoto dumarnimadii maka baxday?

War ninyahaw sida isu dhaan oo aqoontaada nooga faa'iidee gabdhaha faraha ka qaad wixii cajabiya ha xirteene.

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  On 9/27/2019 at 2:12 PM, gooni said:

Hooyada qaranka haday noqoto dumarnimadii maka baxday?

War ninyahaw sida isu dhaan oo aqoontaada nooga faa'iidee gabdhaha faraha ka qaad wixii cajabiya ha xirteene.

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Awoowe, qof kasta wuxu yahay ayuu iib geeya, hooyadii qaranka maxaa dumarka Korea dhaqankoodi iyo waliba dharkay ninkeeda u gashato maxaa u xidhay? 

Bal dhigeedii oo Ethiopianka ahayd maanta hablaha yaryar ee gobolka Amhara ku nool way ku diirsadeen oo in dhaqankooda yahay mid adag ayay iib gaysay. maxay Mrs Cheeseman iib gaysay bal noo sheeg. 

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  On 9/27/2019 at 2:07 PM, Suldaanka said:

Tani dumar maha waa hooyadii Qaranka :D

Hooyadii Qaranka oo dharkii hurdada soo xidhatay, waliba dharkii hurdada ee dumarka Korea. Bal adba. :D Hadii sadex-qayd ama guntiino soo xidhanlahayd sow lama yidhaahden alayle dhaqankii ayay huwantay. :D 

nin durbaan qaatay ilaaq dalbay. hadii ay doonayso in aan laga hadal, inay gurigeedii iska joogto sow maha?


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I , too, keep wondering why people like Gooni Niic-badane wastes his time trying to sensor folks for commenting on the actions of public figures.

Suldaanka, ishaad ka tuurtey :”nin durbaan qaatay ilaaq dalbay. hadii ay doonayso in aan laga hadal, inay gurigeedii iska joogto sow maha?”

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Anigu waxaan ka fiiriyay dhanka dhaqanka soomaalida kaliya runtii waligay ma arag nin gabar dhar ay xirantahay rag lasoo dhex istaaga ama marwo qaran ha ahaato ama hooyo kale ha noqotee.

Waxaa fiicnayd inuu mowduucaan barwaaqo u diro haduu ka maarmi waayay.

Suldaanku waa nin nagu qaali ah oo kasoo jeeda dad dhaqan fiican waana waajib in lala sheekaysto.

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