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Vacancy Announcement for 2nd Wife

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Considering how good Haneefah is spoken to by Bisharo, a sister girl, i must say: Aw Kama Qaala Al Macshari fii Kitaabihi Nathaarutun fii Cishqil Xawaa (totally made up). :D

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^^^ lol@Cishqil Hawaa :D



Laamiyatul Afcaal ayaan ku ogaa, marka ay laba mas'alo isku khilaafaan laba culumo oo sarfiyiin ah, inta dhaxdooda laga baxo ayaa la hoos galin jirey aw kamaa qaala Kisaa'i,



Haneefah wey dhigatey aad bey u taqaanaa sarfiga :D

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Ngonge is right. Temptation is a serious problem. And given that the reproductive organ is entirely AUTONOMOUS and does not consult the brain to act, terrible things can happen in a short space of time.


For those of you who think there are preventive measures that can be instituted against Jaariyado, what about secretaries in work place. Certainly, it is those who tempt my little self with their obsequious smiles and exaggerated back-waging.


What about the women collegues and work and those you go meet on the field as a team?


So, the soultion is not to be found by employing appetite-killing ugly Jaariyado and by calling the offic and the man ten times a day. The soultion is trust and Iimaan.


Faarx-Brown mentioned something about values of trust and so and so, and I agree with him. But where you get those values matter. If it is coming from deep belief in religion, it is most enduring. if is coming from the need to be decent and social valuation, it may break with the advent of a serious provocation.


A serious provocation can be if a girl you have taken to dinner several times and who comes to do cofee ceremony in your house on saturday's suddenly decides to throw herself on the bed. A weak Xerow is rumored to have responded to this kind of provocation by saying "sanadka danbe ayaan Xaashka tagi, ee hada waan iska wadi...".

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Some seem baffled by the suggestion somehow instead of the Jaariyad, the sister-in-law can be busted. Certainly there must have been a precedence because Axmed Gacayte wouldn't have sang thus:


Inkastoo dad gacaliyo

Xidid kala dan beyn jirey

Ma dayrkii Makka'aan gubay

Danbi malaha dooquyee?


If it is Xaraam, jaariyad or sister-in-law ma kala laha.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

nuune ibnu Al-Kisaa'i

lool what is with the lingos Koolo, I thought inaan Puerto Rico joogey waaba iska shakiyee.



Kisaa'i, known as Abu al-Hasan Al-Kisaa'i lived in the Middle Ages, he was based in Kuufa in Iraq, him and another one based in Basra(Al-Farahidy) were the pioneer of the Arabic language including its poetry metrical theory, its syntac, morphology and phonology.



Anigu waxaan taabacsanahay Al-Kisaa'i, he is my Sheikh, dhanka Kuufa ayaan ahey

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Position: 2nd wife….. smile.gif


Duration of work: 40 days is too much can we negotiate?




Age: from 29-43- no children, never been married but dam it all am not 29 yet…can we negotiate this?


Good mannered, religious, and cheerful- am neither


Computer literate-sometimes


Average or tall- neither


dark colour and well built- neither


On the offer:


Gabati and yarad through Dahabshiil to her families (but no face to face meeting)- I don’t understand


No aroos or party- I want a massive do and invite all my xabibtis….and can we invite your Mrs and her family?


No Tahniyad through the media, but e-mails can be received from friends (becuase Xaaskaa maqlaysa)-


I don’t like undercover work…


It is not lost to the man seeking this type of women that due to bad reputations or more accurately misperception on the part of SOL girls, likely wife might not come from this group. However, SOL girls are encourged to refer any intersted girl/women in their localities to the address to be given. Please make sure they send their photo's and health certificates either directly to me or to the designated addresses.


Beggars can’t be choosers!


The photo's must be iyagoo taagan and recent one (Audio CD'na ha soo raaciyaan so that it helps me in estimating their age)




Second from the left wearing a purple Jalabib.


If they have no Birth certificates,maybe because they lost them during the civil war, a former husband tore it apart or they were born in a rural areas, they must have a local reference to the year (such as abaartii daba deer, kacankii, SYL anything that can be remembered.)


Malika was there, she can testify.


Send your applications before January 28 to




C/O SOL Adimn




If in Somaliland - To Jacaylbaro

If in Europe - To Ngonge

If in North America and Canada - to Xinn

If in Africa - deliver by hand or call me (number to be provided on request).


I don’t like mediators…


so, what say you?

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The pruple one:Look ather hands. It hints at a beautiful face. But she will not come with a gun to me.




What number do you wear? I mean Size'ka shoe'gaaga? If there is much difference between our numbers, it will not be difficult. Or you can sign an indeminity form stating that I will be liable for any damages.

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The pruple one:Look ather hands. It hints at a beautiful face. But she will not come with a gun to me.

Can’t promise anything, but you never know you might like it… ;)


What number do you wear? I mean Size'ka shoe'gaaga? If there is much difference between our numbers, it will not be difficult. Or you can sign an indeminity form stating that I will be liable for any damages.

Am not sure, I wear ndala.

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:D:D Minyaro 40tanka iga bixiso aan raba aa? Ashahaado macaan.


What's even more crazy is that you considered JB,Ngonge & Xiin in ay kuu shandeeyaan applicationska. :D Waali tan weey dhaaftey.

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^Ilaa iyo hada wax ey soo sheegeen maleh (JB, NG, & Xiin)...I am sure each gathered a few applications by now, as A&T is a hot *xaax* ticket...Ee ragaan iyagaa ismeeleynaya marka hore baan filayaa... icon_razz.gif


Nuune, iga raali noqo walaalkiis, it'll take me time to get used to you with this nick...Waa xishoonooyaa xoogaa...

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^Maya maya, ani Nuunka aa magac badashay maba asmici kari...He's the only few members left with their original nicks, now it is Abnu hebel, what will be next - Niikiyoow? No no...


JB, anigaa? War xishoo bisinkee, qandho cirid kufoolxul...Runtii, how many applications baan qarsatay, hade birina waa Jimcee day? :D:D

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