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Vacancy Announcement for 2nd Wife

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In aniticpation of the delivery of the wife, I hereby make the necessary arrangements in place for a Xalaal replacement. Any qualified would-be wives can contact me directly or can give their consent to my representatives across the globe to be named under.


Position: 2nd wife


Duration of work: Inititally for 40 days (intay xaasku afartan baxayso) but with possible extension




Age: from 29-43 (preferably with no children under 15 from previous marriage)


Good mannered, religious, and cheerful


Computer literate


average or tall


dark colour and well built


On the offer:


Gabati and yarad through Dahabshiil to her families (but no face to face meeting)


No aroos or party


No Tahniyad through the media, but e-mails can be received from friends (becuase Xaaskaa maqlaysa)


It is not lost to the man seeking this type of women that due to bad reputations or more accurately misperception on the part of SOL girls, likely wife might not come from this group. However, SOL girls are encourged to refer any intersted girl/women in their localities to the address to be given. Please make sure they send their photo's and health certificates either directly to me or to the designated addresses.


The photo's must be iyagoo taagan and recent one (Audio CD'na ha soo raaciyaan so that it helps me in estimating their age)


If they have no Birth certificates,maybe because they lost them during the civil war, a former husband tore it apart or they were born in a rural areas, they must have a local reference to the year (such as abaartii daba deer, kacankii, SYL anything that can be remembered.)


Send your applications before January 28 to




C/O SOL Adimn




If in Somaliland - To Jacaylbaro

If in Europe - To Ngonge

If in North America and Canada - to Xinn

If in Africa - deliver by hand or call me (number to be provided on request).


Factsheet about me:


Age: over 30 but still intact

Volatile but usually amicable

Not stingy, but don't accept Dulmar ninkeedi baa Abudabai dahab uga keenay(usually responds so what?)


Useful tip: sidaa lacag lagama qaado, but if you smile and become tender jeebkuu gacanta kula ordayaa

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Congrats on your new baby, allah haa kuu baarakeyo and if she is a girl, waaxan kuu duuceynay that she is just like me :D (HAHA I know that will kill you). Congrats.

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Of course I trust you. You will send your left-overs to me. I don't mind as this is a temporary arrangement. Jacaylbaro'na kuwa uu Workshop'ka u qabto on FGM iyo khatarta HIV'ga buu mid iiga soo dhex heli. I trust him too.

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Congratulations A&T! is it a boy or a girl?




I have printed out your ad,will stick it at the local Somali Shop,dee mahaayo that many Somali friends [oo desparate aah]..Lol


As for this kind of marriage,waxaa laga arkijiree Swahiliga,there is a rare Swahili tradition of marriying each other only during ramadan,they call the wife "mke wa uji"[translated as Porridge wife]..Lol, hadaa adiguu your looking for temporary umuul wife miyaa?



Looooooooooool@ am not stingy..loooooooool


walle you got jokes!


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Of course, I forgot to say congratulations, sir.

If anyone contacts me I shall pass them on to you. No leftovers, saaxib. You'll get the shoulder itself. :D

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looooooooooooooooooooooooooool@Malika's porrige wife. This is proper wife walaal; the circumstances she comes to me are of no relevance. The 40 day thing is just a saftey clause (call it probation period). :D


Ngonge, Is there any possibility CL can see the vacancy? I mean last time you say you left her for me, and only yesterday you saying "where is she, so that she washes my feet". Maad igala noqotay? :D

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^Maa saas baa,haye will it be a long distance via the internet sort of marriage? ..erm,one of the requirement was she is computer literate..


ps.The porridge wife is xalaal too,wexeey iska dideyaan to commit zina during ramadan hence marrying only for ramadan and then back to sheydanimo after that..Lol[i know its is jahiil-Ibti smile.gif before you waste a minute to respond to this madness]..Lol icon_razz.gif

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^^ Xasha. I stepped aside, saaxib. Lakin adiga af garaan waayaay. She came running back to me. Bal have another go and see if you can convince her. :D

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Malika, beryaahan you are scared of me jumping you miyi, what is with the disclaimer. When did I become waadaad bhud sitat. redface.gif

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No, this is serious, the computer part is to communicate later. :D

Waryaa Ngonge


There is no point in trying my luck if you declare it over here and send PM's to her. :D

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

Computer literate

:D Ranks high in the desirable list don't you think?


A&Tyoow, what good is it if she is in Europe/America, since the duration is only 40 days? :comfused:


Teeda kale Xiin & NG iskuma aamineen if I were you...'Nabi baabah' baaka dhaceyso ee ka joog, waa iga talo...

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The 40 days starts the day we meet. Travel Costs covered of course. See weeye I told you I am not stingy.


Dhinca kale, she better know she is not doing it with an amateur. Alaab jacdaday haday meesha latimaad, I will take her to one of her relatives home here in Africa and pay for her return ticket. Yaa la caamaynayaa?

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