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Bush and his poodle targets civilians

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we see the news everyday and wat is happening in iraq.

Bush and his poodle(Blair) talk of freedom an dliberation. ans they have made a fetish of not targetting civilians. we can see the pictures on Arab television networks to see the diffeernce between the lie and the truth. But do these men sitting in washington and london really think that heavey bombardment and the trauma of war does not affect civilans? first target of the coalition forces has been electircity and water of the town. saddam hussein has not cut these off. these have been targeted and bombed by the coalition forsces to force the civilian population into surrender and they said" we will take away ur electericity and water , we will shock and awe you through the worst kind of bombing modern nations have ever seen, but if u come to us with white flags and cheers, we will give u aid, water,food. if u allow us to control u and run ur lives and decide on your govermnent, we ill conctrut ur cities and give u all the food u can eat" is the message of the propaganda uleashed by the invading forces on a sovereign nation .

women are sufferin, the few shots on cnn and bbc of the ordinay civilians usually shos women in tears. schools are closed, childern are sitting at home, waiting to be hit every time the city shakes iwht the relentles bombardment. The toll that teh war is taking on the ailing and the eldely cannot even be imagined. Life in a beautiful country prould people has been brought to a standstill with bombs and missiles lighing up the skies and killing poeople. For wat? For liberation? by now it should be clear even to Bush and his poodle, dat the people of iraq do not want to be liberated. They were liberated hefore the ware began.They do not want americans and the british in their country. why Bush is forcing a nation who do not want wat he wants for them. are we in the yestercenturies to invade a peacefull nation in this way. why no freedom in this world. why Bush is powerfull? for the nation who r growing, to show his power and wat he got. The iraqis want the americans out and do not want them and are prepared to die for it> surely the visuals being captured by the embedded journalists should be enough to demonstrate to these two blind and deaf leaders that they r ot liberators but invaders, that freedom in iraq is freeom not from saddam but from the americans.

the americans and their poodles think that saddam is using his cilians as shield, but he is not using them as shield, the civilians are a part of the iraqi rsistance and have no intention of leaving their soldirers alone to fight. if this is not apparent to the coalition, then they are again in for a major surprise when they try to enter baqdad. the iraqis told to each and every body that they dont want to leave iraq and they want to defend their regime, and they told how they r not prepared to leave iraq rather than allowing americans to control their freedom.. we all people live in this earth being blind and guided by the washington orders and its propaganda war.

the proof is staring the coalition forces in the face. even though Bush and his poodle are still parroting the same words they were before the aggresion began. we have seen in the news that the relief camps opened in Jordan for fleeing iraqis are lying empty as not a single citizen has left his country. No one left before the war, no one has left during war, not a man , woman or child has crossed over to jordan or kuwait of iran in search of ameican dollars being dangled at the end of every tank and B-52 bomber.

why all these happening. dont we see that Bush and his lil poodle want to drive us as they want

can we call wat is happening in iraq a liberation.

i belive iraq must be liberated from americans.

there is a rule in the UN, no country can interfer the affairs of a nation, why americans interfering the affairs of iraqs.

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first target of the coalition forces has been electircity and water of the town. saddam hussein has not cut these off. these have been targeted and bombed by the coalition forsces to force the civilian population into surrender and they said" we will take away ur electericity and water , we will shock and awe you through the worst kind of bombing modern nations have ever seen, but if u come to us with white flags and cheers, we will give u aid, water,food. if u allow us to control u and run ur lives and decide on your govermnent, we ill conctrut ur cities and give u all the food u can eat" is the message of the propaganda uleashed by the invading forces on a sovereign nation .

i just highlighted the above extarct from ur posting as it particularly relevant to what has been said so many times before.


Clearly the UN had its part to play in this current war, and i for one am glad to see its demise, coz lets face it's not that it just recently became a 'talking shop' it was always nothing but a buttering house for western countries who had imperial desires.


The fact remains that the us and GB are aggressors in iraq, invaders and not liberators(this is accepted universally) by every man woman and his/her DONKEY just look @ the worldwide protests.


They have from the outset of the campaign edited news reels i.e. (bassra troops surrender and many more)to give false impressions of the reality of the events that where unfolding within iraq.


What this campaign, and the events of september the 11 has done is open my, and presumable many more nomads eyes, completely to the realities of the current world structure. It is Capitalist, it is Void, lol it isnt even democratic as the current status qou would have u belive: no rather it is driven by un-elected multi-nationals and the desire for access to new markets, it is illegal, uni-lateral, Anti-Islam (in what ever shape it'self deems islam to be i.e. islamisits, extremisits, modernist etc etc)and thus is something that is in need of urgent change.


I can only pray that the victory that allah has promised to us muslims draws near everyday with the realisation by us that we need to change those leaders that facilitate such aggressors. I pray that a time will come when they will be those amongst us who will be our future leaders, who will be unlike these current pityless, amoral, incompetent, incumbunts that are currently presiding over the all the middleastern and other muslim countries.

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Originally posted by BoYz_at_lovezone:

Bush and his poodle(Blair)

I can almost see Saddam threatning Bush with "I'll get you my redneck and your little dog too!" :D

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