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Trivial Phobia

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What a bunch of loosers.You wanna tell no one knows what Abessa is called in English.Wait till I get back from friday prayer and I will have the answer... :mad:

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Xiin, dhuxunkureeb is used in the north I think.



Stoic, abeeso is a type of rattlesnake, isn't it? It's got a claw-tail, hasn't it? Or have I got the wrong snake?



PS: I've never heard of 'Magangooye'.

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I thought Abeeso is Masocagalay which doesn't look anything like a rattle snake at all.


N why did people use to fear Masocagalay. I remember people use to call sheedaanka xaaskiiya.

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LoL @ Che. Masocagalay is a big lizard (a smaller version of the Komodo dragon, if I'm correct) and not a snake.


Oh yes, I forgot there were some flying jinacyo *URG*. They used to bite you and leave larvae under ur skin. *URG*

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

Don't flatter yourself inaadeer. Why would they go for you?

Why not? They will be satisfied for a year! icon_razz.gif

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It just occurred to me rattlesnake couldn’t be abeeso since abeeso has legs or it wouldn’t be called “abeeso lugaleey” or does “lugaleey” mean no legs. Gosh I’m confusing myself ……never mind.

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