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Marry your cousin to have long-lived kids?

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^Balo kuugu qabatay...No thanks, I'll pass on this one...Adigaan kuu deystay...Wili adaa single ehee, orod ina abtidaa keen, anaga hanoo soo taagnaaninee...Wee...

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^Beertee fashaa, miraheesa ka gurtaa, xaase beerta ku fashaa, xaase miraha ku sameysaa? War wuxuu noola imaanaayo arka...Beeraa falaa maa hada sheeko noqotay...Beertaas tan ku ogolaatay aaba kaa daranbo...Mugoo ani waxaan ku dhihi lahaa single aa wili tehee, leenka ha iska xirin, intaa is leedahay dadka iska dhis...Waan is ognahay afkaa ku qalalee... ;)

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^Saanaa? Qoyaan maashee, ani marhore inee boor iyo bus ka kacday aa xan igu soo gaartee...LOOOL...Buslahaa tahay maxaa dhahaa... :D

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^Sandaka maanta eh PG-13ka kuwa loogu talagalay ameyba kaa oreeyaan adi...


Qiiq beele...Habeen wanaagsan walaaloow, adiga iyo qiiqaaga isla boodbooda...

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^^^You recently developed a crush on AAliyah. Can you give her the big wedding in she dreams of and be her raaliyo??


As for topic, some of you are going a bit far, there is a difference between saying it is not for you and making fun of it. smile.gif It remains to be hala and used widely.

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

^^^You recently developed a crush on AAliyah. Can you give her the big wedding in she dreams of and be her raaliyo??


As for topic, some of you are going a bit far, there is a difference between saying it is not for you and making fun of it.
It remains to be hala and used widely.

Forget about me,You look like you have a crush on a certain cousin smile.gif Oh Lalala....oh i mean aqas!!!!


I like Aaliyah,But i certainly wont marry her.

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^^What is aqas??? :confused:


Why not.... I was thinking more like..."hell no she won't marry an old man like you"! Pluz I have high hopes for the girl! :D

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^^yarka dhaaf Ghanima see what you have done he said he wont marry me certainly. commitments scare men away smile.gif



marka hore shekada wa loo jilciya markuu head over heels in love noqdo la dhaha warya ama aroos dhig ama albaabka ka bax :D

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^LOOOOOOOOOOL...Walee Caaliyaay labadaan bari waa soo dhigatay...Meeshaan arkaba aroos uun baa ka hadli...Ha igu qasbin inaa walaalkey iga yar (25) kugu sadaqeysto... :D


Teeda kale, Faarax_Brownoo kale haduu ku dhaafo ducaa loogu dabadaraa...Hortaa nuurna waa la dhahaa...


F_B smile.gif

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