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So.. What was you thinking about, with reference to me?? Are you any good at football? who do you support. Oh and did you make duca for me when you went to pray?


:D Malika :D loool

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Lool Then what are you good for? You don't remember what you was thinking about, you did not make dua for, and worse of all your support Chelsea. Aaga!

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Oh dear, this is like that nightmare I used to have as a child.


See, I watched this Egyptian film when I was 8. It was a romantic comedy, but I didn't know that. So the story is about this beautiful but rather conceited young woman who means this rather ugly and obnoxious guy. Naturally, she doesn't give him the time of day at first and I could totally understand why. But inexplicably, there is some chemistry, and the more annoying and uncool he is, the more irresistible she finds him. Finally, she falls in love with him.


At eight, chemistry is not even a class in high school, so I was completely flabbergasted. I thought she was possessed, that some strange thing happens to drive women insane without warning. So I spent the next 10 years vigilantly watching myself for signs of incipient madness, sure that it would strike at any moment and I would start to fancy my addle-brained cousin, or the family milk goat, or front gate.


So now, witnessing this strange interaction between Ibti and this Unknown1, my 8 year old self is screaming out warnings. It always starts with contempt, Ibti! Then playful banter, then before you knowing you'll be imagining how your babies will look! (Ugly as sin of course).


Just be careful.

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^^^Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool HAHAHAh looool hehehe. Cara Looool Haha, thansk for the laugh! lol hehe Oh lord.


Unknown and me are not like that Cara. He is like a little sister/brother to me. But he/she is shy so I'm helping.

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