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DD, let me know if you bought back any lovely scarfs, I'm always on the hunt for those.


Ibti, I'A next Eid will be better. How's your charity thing coming along?

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Lily, It is coming along, but I am having doubts about Islamic relief. There overhead costs is huge, cutting into the donation intended for the orphans! I am thinking it might be better to go through a small Somali developmental organization, like the African Development trust instead, but then I’m scared people might bring politics and clan shiid into it.


I’ve so far booked the hall, speakers, henna lady, make-up artist, one abayah stool, trying to find a hijab and book stool. Also need to speak to Ms DD about having her own stool of merchandise I’A. Leaflets are done, just waiting to see if I can find a Somali organization within the weekend.


If you know any good, registered, no political/ clan ones, send on please.


Next Eid inshallah smile.gif

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^Salaams hon. smile.gif Stop looking as I've got an organisation for you and some other news too.. :cool: Will call you 8ish (GMT) tonight, Insha Allah.


Salaams and Eid Mubaarek gabdho.. smile.gif

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^^ It's a male free zone I know, and I would never usually break that rule, but I'm not going to stand by and watch you trying to set up my dumaashi with some Dubai nobody, ayeeyo. Ka joog ban ku edhi. Hoy ka joog (remembers Sheh's earlier gift and laughs hysterically).



I was told you had a tiny fainting spell in Ramadan but recovered beautifully within hours. Glad to hear it. ;)

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^Why assume that Blessed's "other news" is about finding a man for Ibti? Why couldn't it be about their joint venture to start an oil refinery company? Or plans for their trip to Timbuktu? Or that Blessed found Ibti a signed copy of her favorite book?


This is the reason men aren't allowed in here!


/Aside to Blessed: So is he rich and good-looking?

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ibti, what eid? i had lectures and midterms to study for ...i cant remember what eid felt like anymore. :(

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ It's a male free zone I know, and I would never usually break that rule, but I'm not going to stand by and watch you trying to set up my dumaashi with some Dubai nobody, ayeeyo. Ka joog ban ku edhi. Hoy ka joog (remembers Sheh's earlier gift and laughs hysterically).


Damn u, maxaad ii xasuusisey? Got a face mask on and it just cracked. And it's cracking some more.. :D:D LoooL. Mask crumbs on skirt. Sheesh.


Yo, Blessed(mwah). I aim to see you wearing one od DD's abayas. Ibts, what's to imagine? I'm an Emiratiya, you know. I grew up there. I'll send you some tax-free dosh when I get there. :D I'm sure I'll have some spare money to share. ;)

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Pucca, I'm sorry to hear that sis, there are many more Eid's to come in your life I'A, where you can let yourself go and have fun smile.gif


Ngonge Lol, you are getting old!! meesha kaa baax baan ku idih.


Cara I'm still waiting for the pictures. So far I just got the e-mail address iyo few other things icon_razz.gif


Sheh, I can think of few places for your spare money ee soo aaruri. smile.gif

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^ ibz did some work at Islamic Refief and they r a great charity, admin costs v. low compared to other charities (12.5%) it costs money to administer projects as you can imagine, so its always strange why ppl criticise charities for needing admin fees.


Anyway where ever you spend the money I am sure it will be of great benefit iA. All the best with the event.


why don't you upload one of your leaflets or do you not want SOLers cramping your style?!

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^^I have not figured out how to load a leaflet onto SOL. Apprently I have to host it on a site as SOL would only accept URL links. redface.gif I will load it I'A. Please do attend, I expect all SOL girls (UK) to attend. smile.gif

As for the other issue, I understand that they need money to administer projects, but I think it makes sense to go through charities if you are raising significant funds, but if the amount is already small, cutting into it makes it even smaller.


I am not criticizing admin fees chubacka, but Islamic relief is known for spending more money than most, Helping hands/ Muslim aid use far less on overheads. Although Islamic relief events are better (for example the fundraising Iftar for Palestine in they did two weeks ago, they spent £1,800 on the hall alone! But the event was so well organized and planned, and everything looked so nice) Not to mention it was targeted at the high Arab earners and film/ soap industry (i.e. they raised a lot of money, and had to deliver a class event)


Anyway I found two small Somali developmental organizations; One of them is Somali development & Relief fund which is fundraising for an orphanage School in Kismayo and the other is for a girls Orphan school in Hargisa, I’m waiting for the details on the second one.

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hahaha did you attend that event, some arab men were vitually crying to get in after all the tickets were sold out!


They sound like great projects, hope you raise loads inshallah and let people know what you are raising the money for.

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Muwaah@ Shehehe.


I'm so looking forward to it. smile.gif Don't what my sister does, since 2005kii bey soo socotaa. :rolleyes:


LOL@ Ngone..

Thanks. I'd be doing him a huge favour. :D Ibti. I LOVE YOU. :D;)




LOL. Send your requirements and I'll find you a perfect match.

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