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Professor Jonathan Moyo's endless witticisms

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Meet Professor Jonathan Moyo; a wordsmith and a political genius. He acted as the information Minister of Mugabe from 2000-2005, before he was fired; accused of attempting to usurp power unconstitutionally.


He is accused to be a political knave who changes sides frequently. But his foes and friends alike marvel in his endless witticisms and excellent articles he often writes.


Here are some that made me laugh:


- When the MDC formed Shadow Ministers in act of defiance (Moyo was the information Minister then), the man was quoted on the national papers, saying, "They will remain Shadows". That was long time ago. recently, as those men turned out to be key ministers and he found himslef only as an Independent MP in the new Inclusive government, the professor was asked if he doesn't think that "the shadows have actually became real and substantive, and he is not the shadow now". He quickly replied, " Some one put shirts over the shadows", implying that they are still nothing in this new power-sharing government. He is not too far from the truth.


- When he was fired by Mugabe, already having burnt all bridges with most of the people and the oppostion, he was asked what he feels. He replied, " unfortunately, HE WHO APPOINTS, CAN ALSO DISAPPOINT". :D

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Ha-Ha.A & T,Abtiyow,this is funny,Lakini,Maxaad ula jeeda warkaan? Halkeed kusocotaa? :D


Proffesor Moyo,speaks from the Moyo indeed.

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