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Deeq A.

Somali military court sentences soldier to death for killing

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Deeq A.   

Somali military court sentenced officer to death in Mogadishu on Monday.

Bashi Omar Dhaqane was found guilty by the martial court for killing a student by the name Sheikh Noor Mohamed in Hamar-Jajab district in July.

Somali armed forces court judge, General Ismail Salad Mohamed who oversaw the case ruled out the argument by sentenced soldier lawyers that the officer was under the influence of drug abuse during the unfortunate incident.

General Salad termed the action by the privacy officer, Bashir Omar Dhaqane as disrespect to the image of the armed forces.

Somali National Army court chief judge, General Noor Shute announced the verdict following cross-examination of the evidence provided by both sides.

The ruling is open for an appeal.

Somali military court which is accused by human right advocacy groups for violations handles cases related to terror and murder within the armed forces in the country.

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