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Somali Asylum Seekers Protest outside Dáil (Repulic of Ireland)

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Somali Asylum Seekers Protest outside Dáil


A protest of Somali Asylum Seekers took place today outside the Dáil. It was supported by Residents Against Racism. The asylum seekers are faced with deportation from the state despite the fact that Somalia is an unsafe corrupt country. Human rights abuses are widespread and women and children are subjected to Female Genital Mutilation(FGM).




Somalia has been without central government since 1990. There is factional fighting with different warlords supported by heavily armed militia who control most parts of the country. One million innocent people have lost their lives caught in the middle of this faction fighting.










tries hard to spot Nuune in the crowd



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Ireland? Are you kidding? What the hell is there in Ireland? Can they even support their own citizens?


I guess we're everywhere these days.




Did you smuggle those ****** brothers in Europe as Somalis? Most of them look West African to me.


[ March 10, 2006, 14:53: Message edited by: Kooleey ]

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Did you smuggle those ***** looking brothers in Europe as Somalis? Most of them look West African to me.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Pray tell, what the hell is a ***** look? Did you mean Nigerian/Niger Delta? Somalis are a pretty diverse bunch and some of us actually look like the brothers in the picture.


[ March 10, 2006, 14:52: Message edited by: Kooleey ]

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Look at pictures 1,3 & 5. Brothers in the distance. Pic 2 is probably a support group from other parts of Africa as we all in the same boat!

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Originally posted by naden:

Did you smuggle those ***** brothers in Europe as Somalis? Most of them look West African to me.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Pray tell, what the hell is a
look? Did you mean Nigerian/Niger Delta? Somalis are a pretty diverse bunch and some of us actually look like the brothers in the picture. I heard.


Yes I’m talking about ******* in West Africa among others. Do you have a problem with that?

People are getting way too f.ucking sensitive over nothing these days. Take a deep breathe and exhale…now do it again.




I was just messing with you man. I see the Somalis and others in the picture. I do realize that Somalis aren’t the only people facing deportation in Ireland.


[ March 10, 2006, 14:55: Message edited by: Kooleey ]

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