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Difficult to find Mr. Right?

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Juxa, Do you think a well mannered girl and of course She's good looking, would have stressed to find a man? :D

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@ Ibti horta I never look down when I am walking I am more of 'cirkaa geeleyga lagu maalayaa' as I day dream so I don't really notice a lot people or things around me. And no I don't drive everywhere because I don't have a car or know the first thing about driving. I don't go out of my way to meet Somali guys but I see some around, however, I wouldn't call them good looking. May be my idea of good looking is different lakiin I swear once in a blue moon I see one handsome Somali guy and It is so rare that I tell my friends LOL. Wiilasha armeey igu xanaaqaan dee :D



Mida kale where is everyone getting off the idea of Farah baa la waayay? There are three times more guys than girls in my circle of friends and general social network but that doesn't necessarily men mr right is with in them. I know wiilal badan that I like a lot but there is more to mr right than that. Call me picky but all my life (looking at all the men I know from any context) I have known only one guy that I considered to marry and the fool got away :( . Some of my friends think my list is too long but I am sure that HE is somewhere plus I am still relatively young intuusan The zack I dhihin meesha ka kac wuud duqowdee ;)

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The Zack   

Ismalura :D


Finding Mr.Right shouldn't be a big issue for any Ms.Right (I am sure you are one for someone). Next time you see a "good looking" faarah, make sure you smile at him and not look at the sky LOL. If he doesn't flirt with you, kasii soco he is prolly retarded or married LOL.


P.s. don't let your age hit the big 30 while still single.


P.s.s. ibtisaam must be very beautiful or something to rec that much attention from farahs.

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LOL@Zack's weird advice (the 2nd one).

Waxaan ka baqaa markii loo smile-gareeyo inuu ka hari waayo (stalker camal nooh) oo sheekada meel xun gaarto.


Walaalow horta advice la qaadan karo isku day inaad usoo bandhigto doobyaasha, maxaa yeeley intaad so far dhiibtey waa bariis bila moos iyo basbaas.


p.s. waqtigii laguugu tala galey ayaad aqal galeysaa ee dhibka dhaaf.

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The Zack   

Nina, looool hadduu ka hadhi waayo taas macnaheedu waaba mission accomplished dee waa sidii la doonayay - waa hadduu qof caadi ah yahay.


Talooyinka aan baxsho weey shaqeeyaan walal, dad badan bey u shaqeeyeen. Kuwaa adi bixiso haddey ka duwan yahiin macnaheeda ma aha waa weird advice.


Tan seddexaad, markii laguu qoray waad guursan lakin waa inaad dadaalkeeda la imaataa, waa sidii qof dhahay doctor baan rabaa inaan noqdo lakin aan iskuul u aadin, dadaalka waa loo baahan yahay.

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Allah maxaad wax aan is ag mari karin is marsiisey. Guurdoon iyo doctor aspirations shaqo iskuma laha, mana ahan wax la isbar bar dhigi karo. Haddii qof rabo inuu wax barto wuu baran karaa, laakiin wey adag tahay inuu qof helo a life on earth companion.

Maxaa yeeley mid waa iskaa wax u qabso, tan kalena waa qof kale wax la qabso, marka soo bandhig another example kale fadlan. smile.gif


Talooyinkaada wey fiican yahay often, maalmahaan uun baad olole "gabdhaha dhiig kar ku rid" bilowde.


LOL@mission accomplished. IXaasid is the only word I can come up with after reading that sentence.


p.s. indeed wax walba oo aad aduunkaan ka sameyso waa inaad u dadaashaa.

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The Zack   

^ :D:D


The two are different, I agree, lakin the results are similar; get something done via your own effort. Fadhi waxba kuma yimaaddo.


Loool@Operation gabdho dhiig kar ku rid, u mean operation gabdhaha caawi, right. On a serious note, I have seen a lot of single and not so young ladies these days. (This is true for faarax's, too) Markaan baadhayna waxaaan soo ogaaday shuruudaha ay doonayaan iney aad u adag yahiin, taas baan uga digayaa kuwan da'da yar ee kobtan ku sheekeysanaya.. yacni waa nasiixa smile.gif .

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^^^shuruudaha ay doonayaan wax nooga taataabo bal. Yaase ula jeeda (gabdhaha maa wata conditions-ka)?


Horta, qurba joogta the more ay sii joogaan qurbaha the more oo uu fikirkooda isbedelaayo. This generation is the generationka text message iyo email isku furaayo, adigana gabar Soomaliya ka keenso ayaad soo bandhigeysaa iyo nin aadan aqoon u smile garey.


Fadhi waxba kuma yimaado waa runtaa, qofkii rabo inuu xaroodo familkiisa hala hadlo who knows the girl next door is available saacadaas. Ilaahow noo sahal amuuraha, Zack-na ka dhig igaar ah.

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The Zack   

^I will let Ismalura tell us more about the long list of shuruudo. She admitted she has a list of conditions that a guy must meet before she even considers to talk to him. Some of the things I have seen so far are :

He has to be 6'4" tall and no 6'3 is not acceptable LOL

He has to have a degree in Medical lab and NOT in electronics

He can't be bold, must have very healthy hair

Calool warkeed ha sheegin

Aroos weyn inuu ii dhigo

His sub-clan should be XYZ.. things like that...


Lool@text and email, did you know an average student in Nairobi uses more text and emails than an average student in Minneapolis? Africa is not as behind as you think it is when it comes to technolgy, xagga waxaaba la iska guursadaa social network sites-ka, waxba ma ogid... Africa gabadh joogta ka raadiyaa twitter baryahan LOL.

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@ Nina afaakga caano nagu qabay. Maxaa aniga nagu wata nin aana aqoonin smilkiis? Tell him advice aan shaqeyneynin uma baahnin smile.gif


@ Thezack I don't go around barring my teeth to random Farah's; I save my smile for (at least) the people I know. Mida kale ma anaa ku idhi I am on a Farah hunt ee tips ii sheeg. Since when did gabadh Soomaliyid go around smiling looking for Farahs? On the issue of the list waxaad sheegtay waa the more superficial ones ee I have more important things on the list. I know no one is perfect but life is too short to settle and you get what you give if you know what I mean ;) !


Bal stop talking to me about 30 waadba iga cabsiineysaa saan isku giijinayay ee :D

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

like yourself, find yourself and mr right will find you, ok am out

Best advice ever.


Love my self, found my self and of course mr right will find me. That is what Nina and I are trying to tell Thezack.

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The Zack   

^That is the wackiest advice, sit tight and wait aa? :D


On the other hand, keep smiling, its a sign of respect and it shows that u r interested, you know. Don't smile for every farah, smile for the ones u find attractive. I am sure there won't be that many farahs that would attract ur attention as u told us earlier.



Don't ignore my warnings against reaching the big 30 while single because the consequences are bad!

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A sign of respect for who? I owe my self respect before anyone else and that is not how I want to roll. Smilekeyga energy baa ku socda and it is for those who earn it. Wadaadkeey isha qabtaba laiskagama dhajiyo balse wax indhaha u roonba ma arko often hadaan iskaga khasaarin lahaa xataa.


Mida kale 30ka aad ila daba socoto maad iga deysid ninyahow? It is not like I am planing on waiting till I am 30 but if it happens I don't think it will kill me. Blaayo maa aniga Africa ii ceydhineysa sidaadoo kale ? :D

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