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Deeq A.

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysa dawladda Somaliland inay joojiso xadhiga aan garsoorku jidayn ee gobolka Sanaag ka dhacaya

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Deeq A.   

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysa dawladda Somaliland inay joojiso xadhiga aan garsoorku jidayn ee gobolka Sanaag ka dhacaya

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay xorriyadooda u soo celiso afar qof oo sifo sharci darro ah ugu xidhan mudo sanad ka badan iyada oo aan wax maxkamad ah la gayn.

Cabdilaahi Faarax Cabdilaahi, 13 jir, Jaamac Ibraahim Xasan, Maxamed Cabdilaahi Maxamed iyo Siciid Jaamac Ismaaciil, 16 jir, waxay booliska Somaliland kasoo xidheen deegaano ka tirsan degmada Ceerigaabo ee gobolka Sanaag, Julay 2018, iyaga oon haysan amar qabasho oo maxkamadeed.

Waxa soo qabqabtay ciidanka sida gaarka ah u tabo baran ee RRU da. Islamarkii la soo qabtayba waxa lagu soo wareejiyay xabsiga dhexe ee Hargeysa, oo boqolaal kiiloo mitir u jira guryohoodii iyo qoysaskoodii.

Mar qudha maxkamad lama hor gayn.

Sanadkii 2018 waxa isku dhac beeleed oo ka dhacay tuulada Ceeryaan ku dhintay sadex qof. Ciidanka RRU da ayaa la geeyey goobahaas. RRU da ayaa markaa soo xidhay afarta qof ee ilaa iminka xidhan. Qodobka 25aad ee Dastuurka Somaliland wuxuu sheegyaa “qofka xorriyadda looga qaaday fal-dembiyeed lagu eedeeyey awgeed, waxa uu xaq u Ieeyahay in lagu hor geeyo maxkamad 48 (siddeed iyo afartan) saacadood gudahood, laga bilaabo marka Ia qabtay.”

Afart qof ee July 2018 la xidhay maxkamad lama gayn. Wax eed ah laguma soo oogin. Mana jirto dacwad laga gudbiyay oo lagu haysto.

Waxaay ku jireen xabsiga mudo sadex iyo toban bilood ah iyada oo aan eed lagu oogin, maxkamad la gayn, dembi lagu haystona loo sheegin. Sida ku cad qodobka 47(3) ee Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta qofka xidhan ka hor intaan dacwad lagu soo oogin waaa in tobodii maalmood ee kasta hal mar la horgeeyo garsoore.

Waxa cad in lagu gefay Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta ee Somaliland. In dad la iskaga hayo xabsi mudo aan cayinayn oo daba furan ah waa arin sharciga ka soo horjeedda.

Waxa sidoo kale lagu gefay Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka Caruurta oo waxa ka mid ah dadka xidhan laba ciyaal ah oo ka yar da’da 18.

Maaha masuuliyiinta dawladdu inay u adeegsadaan khilaafaadka beelaha inay ka dhigtaan marmarsiinyo ay dhinac iskaga riixaan dastuurka. Marka dagaaladu jiraan waa xilliga ku haboon ee la eego kalsoonida iyo awoodda hay’adaha dawladeed. Shaqada garsoorku maaha oo keliya xilliga nabadda, ee sidoo kale garsoorku waa inuu shaqadiisa guto xiliyada rabshaduhu jiraan.

Qodobka 9(1) ee Heshiiska Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqaha Madaniga iyo kuwa Siyaasiga ah ayaa sheegaya “qofna si sharciga ka soo horjeedda ah looma xidhi karo, layskagamana hayn karo, qofna xoriyadiisa lagagama xayuubin karo sifo sharciga ka baxsan.”

Sidoo qodobka 9 ee Baaqa Caalamiga ee Xuquuqda Insaanka ayaa sheegaya “qofna ma mudan karo xadhig ama hayn sharci darro ah.”

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay ixtiraamto dastuurkeeda oo ay sii dayso dadkaas loogu hayo xabsiga sifo ka soo horjeedda qaanuunka Somaliland iyo xeerarka caalamiga ah, iyo inay joojiso falalka kale ee la midka ah ee ka dhacaya gobolka Sanaag.

Xaruntu waxaay ugu baaqaysaa garsoorka Somaliland inay ilaaliyaan xorriyaadka dadka oo ay hubiyaan in dadka laga soo xidho gobolka Sanaag la horgeeyey garsoor.

Yasmin Omar H Mohamoud

Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka

Mobile: 0634472011


Press release

Human Rights Centre calls on the government to stop indefinite imprisonment without a judicial process

Human Rights Centre (HRC) calls on the government of Somaliland to immediately release four people who are arbitrarily imprisoned.

On July 2018 Abdilahi Farah Abdilaahi, 13 years, Said Jama Ismail, 16 years, Jama Ibrahim Hasan, and Mohamed Abdilaahi Mohamed were rounded up from different places in Erigavo district of Sanaag region without a court warrant.

They have been rounded up by the Rapid Reaction Unit (RRU) of the Police. They were immediately taken to Hargeisa Central Prison, hundreds of miles away from their homes and families.

They were never brought before a judge.

In 2018, clan clashes happened in Eryan village (Ceeryaan in Somali) between two clans. Three people died, according to the government officials. The Rapid Reaction Unit, a paramilitary police unit, was deployed at the area. The RRU rounded up the four people.

Article 27(2) of the Constitution of Somaliland says “any person who is deprived of his liberty because of alleged criminal offences shall have the right to be brought before a court within 48 (forty-eight) hours of his arrest.”

“They have never been brought to court. No charges are pending against them. There is no charge sheet. No criminal report filed with the court or the prosecution office” says Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.

They have been in prison in thirteen months without a trial. Article 47(3) of the Somaliland Criminal Procedure Code states that “until the date of the trial has been fixed, an accused in custody shall be brought before the judge every seven days.”

“It is clear that the Criminal Procedure Code has been violated. You cannot put someone in prison indefinitely without trial,” says Yasmin adds.

Contrary to the Juvenile Justice Law and international human rights standards, two of the detainees are children under the age of 18.

“The authorities cannot use clan conflicts as a pretext to set aside the constitutional guarantees. It is this time you should test the credibility and strength of the institutions. The judiciary shall function not only in peacetime but also during armed conflict,” She added.

Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights says “everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.”

Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention”.

Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to respect its constitution and release jailed people who are held in prison without due process of law and to stop other similar imprisonments taking place in Sanaag region.

The Centre calls on the judiciary to protect liberties and safeguard that arrests carried out in Sanaag are made in accordance with the constitution.

Yasmin Omar H Mohamoud

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre

Mobile: 0634472011


Human Rights Centre (HRC) is the only local human rights watchdog based in Somaliland. It is registered with the Somaliland government as a non-profit-making, non-governmental organization with its own legal personality.
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