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Death can call at any time

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Originally posted by Naden:

What if
the dead guy:


1. Stole money from his company on a regular basis OR

2. Molested the neighbour's 10 year old kid OR

3. Hasn't visited his ill father in the hospital for weeks.


What if
the reason he was in the mosque was:


1. The neighbourhood sheikh bullied him at every instance OR

2. The father of a girl he wants to marry frequents it and he wants to look good OR

3. Maghrib prayers is the best time to sneak out of the house while the wife nags about the kid's homework and then slink off to the coffee shop.


What if
the dead guy is not dead at all but seeking sanctuary from the guy in uniform and taking a vow of bowing? Or maybe the picture is fake like that Saudi player video that shows paranormal jumps before the death?

Beauty is the splendor of Truth


It is obvious that you can not see the Beauty and the symbolism behind that picture. Whether it is a forgery or the person was criminal is irrelevant.


Allah yahdeeka!

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