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Death can call at any time

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arguabally the best place to die, do you think. the prophets mosk as ur make sujuud....

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mashallah, the best state to die and he will be resurrected in the position in judgement day.

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God was merciful to him by permitting him to die in such a state and in such a blessed place.


Such a soul is definitely a Mutaqi if not a Wali/Saintly soul.


Imagine the nur on his forehead when he is resurrected and he will be with all those great souls of this Ummah.


Allahu Akbar!


I pray that I might be worthy of such an honor, ya al muqadim, ya al wajid, al qayyum, ya al rahman, inshallah.


North, where did you get that picture from?

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Originally posted by Khayr:

God was merciful to him by permitting him to die in such a state and in such a blessed place.

Masha'Allah. I am happy for this brother. And of course, he will be resurrected in such state he died under. Naseeb baa la is dheeryahay!

Originally posted by Khayr:

I pray that I might be worthy of such an honor, ya al muqadim, ya al wajid, al qayyum, ya al rahman, inshallah.

Brother, pray not for yourself only rather pray for the whole muslims, your loved ones, any muslim including yourself. Hence use 'we' rather than 'I'.


And Amin to your prayer. Allaha kuu sahlo!

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North, where did you get that picture from?

It was emailed to me. Originating from a Saudi brother and found its way to me :confused:

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^^^ I got that e-mail too. Those e-mails are mostly junk though. Nowadays, I don't even believe most of them are true. But then again...


Check this one out:


This IS NOT a waste of your time. check the websites for urself!


هذه الرسالة مهمة و خطيرة، تأكد من المواقع بنفسك


Please send this message to all your contacts!!!


الرجاء ارسال هذه الرسالة لكل من تعرف

Beware of the following websites:


انتبهوا من هذه المواقع على الأنترنت:







These sites have been developed by the Jews


هذه المواقع تم تصميمها من قبل اليهود (لعنهم الله)...


Who intentionally spread wrong information about the QURAN, the HADITH and the Islam?


وهم ينشرون معلومات خاطئة جدّاً عن القرآن والسنة والأحاديث النبويّة الشريفةوالإسلام


Please spread this information to all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.

أستحلفكم بالله أن تنشروا هذه الرسالة لكل المسلمين في العالم (احموا الإسلام من الغزو الصهيوني)


Always check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing


تأكد دائماً من مصدر المواقع التي تتحدث عن الإسلام





هذا الموقع يباع فيه نسخة محرّفة كاملة عن القرآن الكريم تم تأليفه من قبل اليهود والأمريكان الحاقدين (لعنهم الله وأدخلهم نار جهنم خالدين فيها)


The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick a new Quran

is being distributed in Kuwait titled "The True

Furqan ".

المشكلة العظمى أن هذا الكتاب بدأ انتشاره في الكويت بإسم (الفرقان الحق)

You Cant Ignore this, send it to as many muslims as u can .




Don't want to get this site in trouble with anyone. So if this quote is considered slanderous in anyway it better be deleted.

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That looks ticket to Jannah, on the day of resurrection, he will come back while stil in this position.


Anyway,regarding the fake websites,please dont forward or publish here, it will get a better rating in search engines like google, and that means you are still helping the the purpose of the kufars who created them.

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What if the dead guy:


1. Stole money from his company on a regular basis OR

2. Molested the neighbour's 10 year old kid OR

3. Hasn't visited his ill father in the hospital for weeks.


What if the reason he was in the mosque was:


1. The neighbourhood sheikh bullied him at every instance OR

2. The father of a girl he wants to marry frequents it and he wants to look good OR

3. Maghrib prayers is the best time to sneak out of the house while the wife nags about the kid's homework and then slink off to the coffee shop.


What if the dead guy is not dead at all but seeking sanctuary from the guy in uniform and taking a vow of bowing? Or maybe the picture is fake like that Saudi player video that shows paranormal jumps before the death?

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Originally posted by Naden:

What if
the dead guy:


1. Stole money from his company on a regular basis OR

2. Molested the neighbour's 10 year old kid OR

3. Hasn't visited his ill father in the hospital for weeks.


What if
the reason he was in the mosque was:


1. The neighbourhood sheikh bullied him at every instance OR

2. The father of a girl he wants to marry frequents it and he wants to look good OR

3. Maghrib prayers is the best time to sneak out of the house while the wife nags about the kid's homework and then slink off to the coffee shop.


What if
the dead guy is not dead at all but seeking sanctuary from the guy in uniform and taking a vow of bowing? Or maybe the picture is fake like that Saudi player video that shows paranormal jumps before the death?

What happened to giving one the benefit of the doubt (especially when he is dead), not bad mouthing them and letting Allah SWT be the judge? Allays Allahu bi axkamil xaakimin


What if Allah SWT forgave him in that last single sujuud for all of his sins?

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