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The 67th Anniversary of SYL!

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NNC you are the only calling people names and attack other nomads, and I am glad that you also accept your own Ciyaal suqnimo. And you dirtied you own topic, and you have no one to blame but adiga, you could have just as easily said JB I want to focus on SYL and look back at the past for now, instead you threw your toys out.


C&H, inappropriate thread, yes, performing at a funeral NO; let’s not get too ahead. Al shabaab is not a rumor or something he made up for attention seeking. IT is a bigger reality than everything else in Somalia (including SL) put together which is facing us.


Juxa: Had someone OTHER than JB (by this I mean someone not associated with SL politics) made this comparison (say Nuune or Tuujis) I will bet you my bottom £ that people would not have got worked up. Cuqada ba ka qaadeen dadku.

ibti, SYL lama kala xigo waa runtaa, lakin makula saxsantahay the issue/problem of somalia iney noqoto wax reer s-land (not all, some) ey ku jeesjeesan and they make snide and yes silly comments at every opportunity?

No clearly I don’t agree with such xasiidnimo iyo uncaring nature, however I must also say that this paranoia that everyone is getting pleasure from Somalia’s current state is greatly exaggerated, just like northerners exaggerate that the rest of Somalis supported and enjoyed the bombardment of northern cities during Sayid’s time. As I said wa cuqdad, nevertheless people in this forum are always going on about our issue iyo not your business over everything Somali; Song, flag, SYL, poets, you name it; really, are kidding me? Somalinimad mey ka baxin just because they support SL, and therefore they cannot have a view? Or is the fact that they are from the North mean that they have to tiptoe around other Somalis just in case they think they am being xaasid or get joy out of others misery? If people have those kind of hung ups, it is not for other to walk around with an apology or disclaimer taped to our forehead!


Malika: you must have missed the part where I said I agree it is not the right thread. the MAY 18 thread I mentioned is in the general section, not politics, and you have people saying all sorts of things. As I said it is today's reality, whether it be inability of being happy that others are nto in choas or being sensative to other people suffering or making inapporpiate comparison.


Storm in a tea cup.

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NNC, thanks for he topic and don’t mind these confused Nomads.

SYL are the true reflection of the Somali past and the future.

Insha Allah their struggle will be redeemed.

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JB is Ngonge and Ngonge is JB????


I have a strong feeling Ngonge is also Karl Polanyi. I mean, who else thinks Lucas had a good season? :D


As for the topic, much ado about nowt.


As you were.

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C&H, inappropriate thread, yes, performing at a funeral NO; let’s not get too ahead. Al shabaab is not a rumor or something he made up for attention seeking. IT is a bigger reality than everything else in Somalia (including SL) put together which is facing us.


The only point I wanted to make was: It was inappropriate and it seems like you agree with me. He didnt make Al-shabaab up, we know that. I dont get this whole SL v.s. Somalia thing. I havent met a single Somali person who takes joy in South's misery(they might say iyaa isku keenay but never I'm glad). Like Juxa, I'm glad that there are some places in Somalia that are safe. There is no cuqdad. Just a misunderstanding.

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Somalina and the delegates are the only ones who seem to think that JB's actions are justified. When JB called me a terrorist, I called him Qashin. You see now where the ciyaalsuqnimo started....


JB knows BETTER THAN THAT. Common sense dictates it.


p.s. JB igama xigo SL by the way.

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

quote:C&H, inappropriate thread, yes, performing at a funeral NO; let’s not get too ahead. Al shabaab is not a rumor or something he made up for attention seeking. IT is a bigger reality than everything else in Somalia (including SL) put together which is facing us.


The only point I wanted to make was: It was inappropriate and it seems like you agree with me. He didnt make Al-shabaab up, we know that. I dont get this whole SL v.s. Somalia thing. I havent met a single Somali person who takes joy in South's misery(they might say iyaa isku keenay but never I'm glad). Like Juxa, I'm glad that there are some places in Somalia that are safe. There is no cuqdad. Just a misunderstanding.
C&H, I was replying to Juxa comment that there are some (few) who make jokes and stupi*d comments about somalia problems.


NNC: JB posted a picture comparing SYL to AL Shabaab :confused: If he called you names, THAT is wrong too. :cool:

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Look at us here,being totally the opposite of what SYL was about,sheemo to us!


We were remembering them for what exactly??


Yes,their ability to bring Somali's together..ah!


:D * leaving shaking her head*

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C&H,there is no such a choice,cant loose hope even if I try,my whole being and belief is living in hope... ;) ..Lol

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Ibtisam, did you ask yourself, why JB is not defending himself, but playing cat and mouse with me? I guess not...


I aint ciyaal suuq, and if someone calls me Alshabaab I will retaliate and call them names. If that makes me ciyaal suuq, then it is all good in the hood.

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^^^Because there is nothing to defend and JB is away partying, did you not know today is May 18th?? since SL ciidi kama xiigto.


LOOOOL Walahi C&H I nearly choked on lunch @ Odaygi waan cafiyey aniga iyo Ibtina we came together



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hahahaaaaaa....Malika you are killing me....


I know what the date is ya Ibti lol.....remembering a date aan nacay..what else got me into page 8 of this thread!

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

I could say few things back but you'll only admonish me and tell me edeb yeelo gabar yahay, so Adeer keep going...

What kills me is that you claim to be an English teacher. :Dicon_razz.gif


Ok. Let me give it to you step-by-step, adeer.


First on your shock at the use of the word "WE".


Had you followed the thread, the little girl had (quite generously) decided to lump us all into the grouping of 'old men/delegates' when some of us wondered why she (and others) took offence at Jb's picture. Thus (as in therefore), we became WE. Yacni, annaga adeer.


On telling you "edeb yeelo"’, I don't think you have given me any reason here to force me to utter such words. You're usually the epitome of edab and I see nothing that suddenly changed that fact (unlike NNC who pleaded with me to leave her alone because she is a helpless girl). Wax fahan dee (without getting upset).


I disagree with ALL of you here (even Ibti with her half here, half there saasab). I think Jb's post was appropriate, fair and apt. If you can't see that then you really have a problem.


I mean the rude little girl started her own thread with these words, you empty sponges:


Sad that their achievements were flushed down the toilet

Happy Anniversary.

Maybe Jb should have put 'happy anniversary' after the Shabab picture. :D


Dee naga daaya, adeer.

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