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Deeq A.

President Ahmed M Islam Re- election Bid Would Foster Regional Development

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Deeq A.   


The Background of the article, will give you narrative understanding of Jubbaland from 2013 Up 20 August 2019. Southern Port city Kismayo of Somalia, the transitional seat of the current jubbaland administration crowned second term to hold credible free and fair elections as the state faces and parliamentary and Presidential elections on August 22nd 2019. The president of jubbaland Proposed “Boundaries and Elections Commission in consultations with relevant stakeholders” of which later approved unanimously by the Jubbaland assembly. The elections team comprised 7 members selected in consultation with grassroots communities and traditional elders  led by competent leader   Mr. Hamza Abdi Aar, who was advisor MoCA at Federal Government of Somalia who contributed 10 out of 15 chapters of the current Provisional constitution. The rich Trade, Commerce, Agriculture and marine resource Kismayo has great potential to Somali and the region at large. Since the fall of the central government in 1991 Kismayo being administered by various groups; include Warlords Islamists groups, Transitional Federal Government Since 2013, jubbaland people established their own administration cemented by their needs. President Ahmed M Islam has been re- elected after a land slide victory of the first round in presidential elections held in Kismayo 2015 August. President Ahmed M Islam who have been leading  jubbaland for the past two and half years set to remain more for years term in office starting from 15th August 2015 up to 15th August 2019. The Judge has sworn President Ahmed M Islam  holly Quran in the office at the presence of international dignitaries and regional observers include IGAD envoy Mohammed Abdi Affey. President Ahmed and Vice President Fartaag were elected respectively  in  May 2013at Old  Kismayo University Campus over delegates representing  Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba and Gedo. August first constituent assembly adopted a new draft constitution with 300 delegates.

President Ahmed M Islam – Profile

SH Ahmed M Islam, Somali Muslim Sunni, Born “Jilib” June 1st 1963. A father of 12 Children Ahmed was elected in May 2013 following a month long convention In Kismayo. Sworn in office second Term 15 August 2015 SH Ahmed M Islam wins a record on absolute Majority on both Occasions. Business man and exporter of marine resource. He specifically traded Fish and Lobster for over 15 years prior. SH Ahmed M Islam Previously served as commander in-Chief The RaskamBoni Brigade. Operated in islands under Kiyamboni Area. Which later transformed forces liberated mainly South Central districts  ranging from Kismayo up Bandiiradley a small location fall under the administration of Galkacyo District include the Capital City of the country Mogadishu. SH Ahmed M Islam is and was a moderate religious scholar, who breaches the Islamic religion and encourages people to learn their faith. Before entering into to politics he was campaigner of Peace, Stability, Reconciliation and unity across all Somali Region. His father was a wealth and well known scholar of Islamic Religion as well, His father, vertically and horizontally moves in and around From Qorahey District up South Central Region of Somalia Adado, Horizontally To Afmadow and Kismayo in search of posture as they herd animals mainly camel. The mission of herding animals was coupled by spreading Islamic Religion his father Mohammed Islam established A Majlis Call “ Xer” attended over 300 followers for Islamic Studies The attendee’s who were students of the Sheikh receives their graduation in a period of 7 Years. After 7 Years of continued studying, the attendee’s were promoted at the grade of “AW”. The professional graduate of Islamic Scholar receives a permission creating his own entity by promoting learning of Islamic Studies.

Alshabaab Liberation and State building.

Alshabaab Al Qaeda Affaliated Group suffered series attacks repeatedly  by RaskKiyamboni forces since they withdrew Kismayo,  Notably, Alshabaab lost major stronghold economic source in the middle of  September 2012. Alshabaab Suffered major setbacks while Jubbaland establishment initiative gained a momentum, where jubbaland liberation forces lost both human capital and military equipment. Similarly Kenyan Defense forces liberated Kismayo Through offshore. American Counter terrorism strategy in Somalia relies having a partner in Somalia. US government heavily invested in training and equipment to Somalia military forces working closely with the federal government after their recognition in 2012. The jubbaland initiative was launched, aimed to establish Jubbaland administration namely; Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba and Gedo in-lined with Provisional constitution approved 2012. Notably it’s important to highlight the FGS under the Hassan Sheikh administration and the 9th Parliament of the country where juncture to development and stability in Jubbaland. The 9th Parliament of the country announced to take “No confident vote”. The otherside of the story HE:  President Hassan Sheikh Government and HE: Sa’id Shirdoon was president and Prime Minister respectively. They invested heavily and mobilized gatekeepers include Former Warlord Barre Hiiraale and Some resident communities to declare their victory of election on presidential runoff in 2013 with no even One Vote of legitimate Parliament member. The false declaration victory was intended to violate the hard earned stability initiative of the state formation   The Federal government in one side and Interim Jubbaland Administration reached “Addis Abba Agreement” which is binding currently for inclusive politics and Power settlement. Fifteen 15 out of 12 are free from oppression and violation of Al Qaeda Affiliated groups. Three (3) districts remain in the hands Al Shabaab and other associated groups. These Milestone Security and Stability achievement come under the administration of Ahmed M Islam in collaboration with AMISOM Forces. Micro Economic Projection increased, labor market forces accelerated, Kismayo Port Operations doubled, Youth trained with Marketable Skills. The intelligence Department of the State capacity improved. The peace stability and security improvements increased gradually under administration of President Ahmed M Islam.

Conflicts over Kismayo

The debate who controls Jubbaland and in particular Kismayo went bellowing over a years, the city of Kismayo is one of the most arguably debated constituents in terms of revenue and national resource sharing. Alshabab oppression in 2006 to 2013 left the district to ban the lucrative charcoal trade following  February  2012 UN ban on charcoal trade as means  counter to their major funding source. Besides Kismayo has communal diversity with multi- lingual population has increased recurrent conflicts.

Jubbaland Convention

The Jubbaland convention was initially brought representatives from various residents of Jubbaland.  The fact finding mission comprised following clans ( Harti, Marehan, Ogaden, Bajuni Galje’El and Awrmale) revealed the possibility to establish a local administration  after their careful analysis and in-depth understanding and length talks. That initiative succeeded and established IJA what later transformed Federal Member state the current Jubbaland administration. Prime minister Shirdoon went to Kismaayo to meet Interim Jubba Administration leader Ahmed Madoobe, talks collapsed after a four days of series discussions, the government’s position were firm and even denied talks to continue for further discussions. Later traditional leaders of jubbaland accused Prime Minister shirdoon lack of flexibility and sole decision maker. Prime ministers travel ended up divided communities and power angry associates who are strong ties with Federal government facilitated support both financial and military equipment. In May 2019  Presidents IfTar gathering aimed to listen the Out-going MP’s Baalley Who secured his post once more. The deputy Speaker of the Jubbaland Parliament Stated “Corrupted politicians can’t mobilize us negative actions in ill – fated clan lineages.

Principles of State Building and Social Cohesion

Jubbaland government has employed in its establishment the theory of “Three Building Blocks “by ensuring various groups undertaken their responsibility to be part of the state formation, below we will discuss academically how jubbaland administration succeeded the formation of the state from the scratch.

  1. Social covenants between groups, 2) deliberately inclusive policies across diverse areas and 3) institution capable of holding elites accountable contributes to the formation and maintenance of inclusive social contracts in fragile state in transition period.  

As noted above Interim Jubba Administration IJA has paid efforts in 2013-14 to reduce conflict and fragility tends to focus excessively on re-crafting the vertical social contract and emphasizes the informal and horizontal drivers of fragility. This article deeply explains how IJA administration has done their best by transforming from chaos and lawlessness to  post conflict situation linking their past to present by using special coping mechanism translating the challenges faced in to opportunity getting together people’s will by forming and establishing a federal members states whose branches intersects ensuring the checks and balances as required by the measurement of equity and equality.  Particularly, IJA administration underpins more systematic policy that can reduce the underlying fault lines of clan dynamics; hence Kismayo active conflicts started resources include rich agricultural and port revenue management. By appointing port management committee and the appointment of Kismayo district commissioner, President Ahmed Mohammed Islam Gained a momentum to establish administration for the remaining districts.  Presidents Ahmed and his advisory team understood making society more cohesive policy more inclusive, institutions more equitable across groups, traditional and hybrid modalities of the state establishment will be more legitimate, new forms of communication are more likely to bridge than exacerbate differences and influential social movements drawn to cooperate. The below Diagram will show you, how president Ahmed Mohammed Islam and his competent team employed The Theory of “ Three Building Blocks”


The case study give important and distinctive answers to the three main sub-questions posed above. The results are interesting in isolation of greater interests the combination and interaction of the three main mechanisms (Social Covenants, Deliberately Inclusive Policies and Institutions to hold elites accountable). The formation of inclusive Social contract in fragile states in a transition doesn’t arise through. This article focuses attention on how Movements of each three area’s re- enforces or weakens movement in the other Two and how interaction influences the social contract formation process. Also considered is wether positive movements in atleast two area’s might be sufficient, for a time, atleast partially advance formation of an inclusive Social Contract,  even if positive movement in all three might ultimately be necessary for a stable, inclusive Social Contract. The figure above illustrates the Process, showing how the Three Building Blocks are critical to the construction of Social Contract. Each Building Block is represented as a gear to illustrate, that if one doesn’t function well, it can significantly slow the others and have deleterious effect on formation of robust social contracts. Within each building block there are ideal end goal (outlined above) the societies should strive for, so as to ensure that each “Gear” Within the social contract machine works well.

Major Achievements President Ahmed M Islam Government – Term in Office 2013-2019

# Indicator One Activity Baseline 0/100 Achievement in % Remarks
    Political and Governance   Democratic Institution BuildPower Sharing Political Settlements ReachedDevolution  of political authorityInstitutional Capacity Building for GovernanceJudicial and Legal ReformsLaw Enforcement agencies CapacitatedHuman Rights Observance   70 %  
  Indicator Two        
  Military SNA 43rd  Sector   Professionalization of the militaryDemobilizationReinsertion and reintegration of demobilized Ex  combatants     73 %  
  Indicator Three        
  Social Rehabilitation Repatriation and resettlement of refugees and internally displaced personsExpansion of literacy and education Equitable access to health servicesPromotion of civil society   87 %  
  Indicator Four        
  Economic Growth Rebuilding war-shattered economyEmployment and income generationIncreased economic integration of excluded ethnic, social, or political groups in the economyLand CommissionEconomic decentralizationInter communal trade   45 % Removing Naval ships from Kismayo Port – sink  in 1991

A survey conducted during 2017/18 indicated the milestone achievements. The source collected from the information was government Ministries and agencies.  The Data Collection Team was SRDI Team include; Lead Researcher and Executive Director.

Social Reconciliation Program

# Indicator One Activity Baseline 0/100 Achievement in % Remarks
    Un- Covering The Past Truth commissions  Indigenous mechanisms of acknowledging the past     73 %  
  Indicator Two        
  Promoting Dialogue Problem-solving workshops High-profile conferencesConflict management trainingSustained dialog     55 %  
  Indicator Three        
  Developing grass-roots structures for peace Peace committees and commissions Peace research and training organizationsCollaborative activities Scientific and technical collaborationCollaborative development interventions Collaboration in sports, music, and arts     89 %  
  Indicator Four        
  Promoting understanding Through Media Documentaries and films promoting mutual understandingPeace radio and televisionProfessionalization of media, both print and electronicInstitutional infrastructure for independent media     67 %  

Re- election Bid of President Ahmed M Islam. 2019 to 2023

The electoral and boundaries commission set the final date on 22nd August 2019 Jubbaland Presidential election. As we mentioned earlier Jubbaland will continue un-hindered on the path of development to realize, it’s true destiny with renewed efforts. Although the re- election bid you will get glimpse of the past history of the region as lesson to be learnt for the past. There are Seven (7) commitments that I and my Team are extremely passionate about (A). Security improvement – liberation of area’s under Alshabab and other affiliated extremist groups (B). Education and Health For All. (C). Good Governance (D).Tackling Corruption (E). Inclusive politics include marginalized groups Youth and Women will engage the future of the country as they are force of development.  (F) Job Creation (G). Incentivized Private Sector. (H).Environmental Protection (I). Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (J). Counter Piracy Terrorism Strategy (K). Infrastructure Development Include; Road Connectivity From Kismayo To Lamu Kenya, Rehabilitation of  Old Port Kismayo and Establishment of new Sea Ports, energy efficiency (L). Industrialization of MEGA Projects include; Mugaanbow Project, Fanooole Project Hide and Skin Factory  We thank the People of Jubbaland and their represented Parliamentarians for their keen support, who have enriched contribution with very valuable inputs. The Jubbaland government that I led for the past 7 years was the voice of the people and worked for the people’s will and aspirations President Ahmed Stated in occasion of Eid Ul Ad-Haa Muslim Festival. In addition, Families and Friends, this election is not merely to elect government, it’s an election to ensure jubbaland security, it’s the election That Somalia and in special consideration Jubbaland will depart from poverty to joining East African Economic Power House, it’s an election Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States include Jubbaland to take country forward and turn back in international stages on decision making.

Come, let us strengthen the people’s will and work together SH Ahmed M Islam to retain his position once again in a land slide victory of Jubbaland Presidential election to be held in 22nd August 2019.

­Can be reached:

Faisal Mataan is Humanitarian Development Advisor and Political Commentator. Founder Sanguni Research and Development Institute (SRDI) based in Kismayo.  Studied BA Economics and Political Science Osmania University Hyd India.MBA Elective Human Resource and Marketing Punjab Technical University India Jalandhar.  Pursuing M A International Relation and Diplomacy.  Currently Advisor Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Puntland.

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