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This is my fcuking mosque! Get out!

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Abdullahi Rabi was sure he heard the azaan for the Asr salaat, as he quickly run from one side of the high-way to the other side with the help of a native. He gestured to the man in what seemed to be an expression of gratitude. Then his doubts cleared as he saw the tall Minaret protruding a block or so away. Still, he would have to figure out where the entrance is. The massiveness of the edifice amazed him!


He entered the mosque, but was startled to find chairs and what looked like a stage. He shook his head. “ War bal dadkan kuraasta ku tukada eega!” he said to himself. Nothing more makes sense to him in this town, Cape Town, since the day he moved here from his war-torn Somalia. He has been here for little over a week. He continued to the stage and after performing the two-sunnah rakka’s, waited for anyone to come in. None showed up in that afternoon, on a Saturday. He was baffled but took this as one more bizarre thing he will have to live to tell.


He started praying, before he heard the voice. “What are you doing? Stop it! This is not a mosque.” The care-taker of the church of the Salvation Army was furious. Abdullahi disregarded the noise, and concentrated on his praying. No satan, in human face or in other disguise, should be allowed to stall his communication to his creator.


But then the noise turned into a grip. He was forcefully thrown back. He landed on his back. Although he was sure he will attack this man who is against his religion, he didn’t. He has no papers and what Badal Fooleey told him last night was not to mess with anyone until he gets him some legal papers.


With some pain and hurt inside, he controlled himself and was led out of the church by the same man who despite his initial animosity seemed friendly now. The man pointed his fingers to a big gate, about twenty meters away and shouted “Allahu-akbar” pointing his finger to the adjacent building.


Even before he moved few meters forward, Abdullahi realized what he did. He got lost and entered a church, which he never expected would be so close to a place of worship for Muslims. Safe and sound in a familiar place, he finally prayed his salaat and passed the next hours reading Quran in the mosque.


He prayed the Maghrib salaat there too. And when it become clear that it is too late to venture out, especially when he is not sure where to take transport from or where to take for, he decided he will spend the night in the mosque and will see if he can find his way on daylight.


He was dozing off on a corner using his fat jacket as a pillow, when this black guy (the watchman of the mosque, as he learned later) asked him, through non-verbal communication, that he should leave the mosque. The black man, with Muslim attire was brandishing keys, saying that he needs to lock the mosque. When Abdullahi brushed aside the foolish requests of the ‘adoon’, the man left the mosque, took out a phone and was frantically calling someone.


Thirty minutes later, a car came in as an Indian-looking man, hurriedly jumped off and come in. He instructed Abdullahi to go out of the mosque instantly. Abdullahi argued, again with blind languge, that he is not leaving. Abdullahi gave his reason. He pointed fingers at the roof and bellowed “Allah! Ilaahay baa leh masaajidka”.


The Indian man didn’t know Somali but it seemed he got what Abdullahi was alluding to.“This is my funcking mosque. It doesn’t belong to Allah. It belongs to me!” he shouted with anger and told the man “ get out now!”

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LOL...luuqadda la'aan waa dhibaato. The poor guy could have explained cilladda farsamo ee haysata ee dhibka jira ma ragga kalaa Af-Soomaali kuu yaqaan. :D


This reminds me of Dubai...xilliga kulaylaha oo layrta kululi socoto hindida xammaalatada ah kuwo muslim ah iyo kuwaan ahaynba xilliga duhurkii ka dib masaajiddada ayay ku cararaan si ay u seexdaan, qaar luuqadda ayaa dhib ka haystaa. Halkaas bannaanka loo saaraa.

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