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Tone Your Tummy

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If you're looking to turn your beer belly into a

bare-able belly, there's something you should know

about the traditional abdominal workout: "There is

simply no such thing as spot training," says

personal trainer and fitness expert Kristin



Miller-McEachern explains that one of the biggest

misconceptions in abdominal training is the

expectation that it helps to flatten the stomach.

Contrary to the claims of endless infomercials

pushing gadgets and gizmos that guarantee spot

reduction, the only way to a svelte stomach is a

workout routine that realizes the need to trim

away the fat on top of the muscle before building

the muscle itself. In other words, while an

intense workout composed entirely of crunches and

other moves that target the abs may get you that

ever-appealing six-pack effect, it won't be easy

to spot beneath the bulge.


For this reason, Miller-McEachern believes that a

well-rounded program is key to achieving a toned

midsection. She stresses that the very best

abdominal workout comes from combined strength and

cardiovascular training, which work together to

define muscle mass and burn calories.


This is not to suggest that the traditional crunch

is obsolete — it remains the fundamental exercise

for toning and strengthening the upper abdominals.

But the gains of a weekly abdominal routine remain

the greatest when supplemented with the training

of other muscle groups which work the abs

indirectly as well as your favorite cardiovascular

activity, whether that's biking, running, power

walking, or hiking.


When it is time to zone in on the abs, however,

Miller-McEachern points to form, pace, variety,

and frequency as important considerations. While

many assume that the abs should be trained daily

to optimize effects, she warns that over-training

can be adverse to development. Muscle tissue needs

time to rest and regenerate after being worked.

Accordingly, she recommends working the abs no

more than two or three times a week.


Each session should consist of approximately three

exercises, including at least one that

concentrates on the upper abs and one on the

lower. Each exercise should be executed in two

sets of 15 repetitions, using slow and

concentrated movements that sustain good form

rather than letting the momentum of a rapid pace

do the work for you.


Miller-McEachern stresses that the position of

your arms when executing the crunch affects the

intensity of your workout as well. While placing

your arms across your chest is often considered

standard form, placing your fingers behind your

ears or extending your arms straight above your

head will increase both difficulty and intensity.


Whether you're using your school's fitness center

or sticking to the confines of your dorm,

Miller-McEachern stresses that variety is an

important factor to consider when toning your abs.

Even if it's as simple as switching the order of

your chosen exercises, creative manipulation and

slight variation of the traditional crunch will

keep your body guessing, so you avoid the training

plateaus that occur when your muscles adjust to a

consistent stimulus.


For those heading to the gym, nautilus equipment,

free weights, and other machines offer easy

alternatives to the basic crunch. For those

staying at home, Miller-McEachern recommends

investing in a physio-ball, with which exercises

ranging from beginner to advanced can be

performed. Since the ball utilizes your own

bodyweight, you won't need extra weight to train,

though tubing can be added to increase the

intensity of the workout.


However you choose to mix it up, remember that

only a well-rounded program coupled with a healthy

diet and perseverance will render a toned

midsection you'll be proud to have.

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I thinks better off is someone else does it and then I hear the results.........But then again those are workouts am sure they work......

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