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How stup1d are American voters?

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salamu calaykum,


Sen. Hillary Clinton was booed today when she announced that she has formally ended her campaign for the U.S Presidency and endorses Sen. Barack Obama. I have been hearing that alot of her supporters would rather sit back and not even vote for Obama against John McCain, just because the women they loved hasn't gone as far as they hoped.


They have forgotten about the fact that both candidates are from the same party and have a common interest, to defeat the Republics in the general election. To me it seems that a lot of her supporters don't seem to get it and would rather sit back and watch McCain win unless they cast their vote as democrats against united Republican party.


Just watch carefully of how really stup1d these people are. I know the American public. They will be sweet talked to believe some ridiculous idea that it's absolute that they should vote for a man like McCain who has even voted against a G.I bill which would assure the veterans a better care. Off course this isn't so shocking until you realize that McCain himself is a U.S vet! :confused:


If you want the vote of the American public, you need to mention two things, terrorism and 911. That is it. And unfortunately that is once again is going to be the theme of this upcoming election though Obama seems to have the right message and him being the better candidate will not matter at all. Mccain wins, thanks to the divisiveness of the democratic party as well as the lack of awareness of the American public of the issues concerning them.


The Americans are like pregnant women who forgets the painful experience of labor as soon as she gives birth. They just don't get it, not all of them off course.


After he wins, be sure to stay tune for more of the same if not worse. Bush policy reloaded....

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