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hahahaha@right water ,, :D ,,, I know what you mean but i assure you the quality is good. I was using the same water in Borama.


Still waiting for that info ......... remember ??

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

quote:Originally posted by Nephthys:

KK, hayeh, TFG currency see ahee isticmaashaa ayadana?

Aloow yaa iikeeno birtaa sheegoysid aankula dhecee...Adna kuwaasaa ku waalatay, allaha kucaafiyo abaay, waxkaloo kudhoho ma aqaaniyee...
E eeeh, saan maa keenteen haddane? Qofkii wax idin waydiiyo inaa garaacdaan? Maya maya, bes bes abbaay..


Allaha na caafiyo kuligeen. Aamiin! :D

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^Neph, damiin tumoow aa wax lagu fahansiiyaa nooh, see camal adi...Waxaaba isoo xasuusisay too ina adeertaa eh (let's just call her, Farxiyo, for a lack of better name)...Farxiyadaas reer MN aan isla eheen, afkey kala furtobo 'naa anaga ul uun baan wax kufahan soo ma'ogid?' ee dhihijirtay...Hada marka ninaa guursaday, Orange County aa laguu dagay, kamaba qasno...Sheekadii wexey hada isku badashay 'naa nimanku ul uun beey wax kufamaan soo ma'ogid?'...


Kaleexo hee ulsha yeekuugu dhicinee...Dadkaad ogeed baan kadhashee... :D

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Qaxqaaxx! :D . Naa hooy maa i dhaaftid??? Dadkaa ogeed aan ka dhashay kuteh!


Dadkaas, waxyaalo badan oon qurux badneen oo aan ka sheego aan haayaa. Waxaa rabtaa, waa ku ogahay inaa afka furto, oo meeshaan qoor qabad la iiga hururufeeyo! Waa kaa diiday, ka waran hee.. :D . A kugu taagnaato.

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^Yaaku hururufeen karo adi? Beenta nagadaa hee walaaleey...Afkana hanagu tuuran, adoo aftuuratay meeshaan wax noolaanaayo malehee...Huf iyo halaan jirin aa ka dhigee...Mugoo waa baqay ani...

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haye, what do you think of this Hudheel cusub?


where's the interior of the hotel? darbi lee soo sawireen iyo odayo bariis cunaayo..

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