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Waayo ??



Anigu miskiin halkiisan iska jooga ayaan ahay dalkana waxaan uga baxay Kenya, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia iyo France keliya ,,,, i know inaan socod badanahay lakin danahayga uun baan wataa ,, ganacsadena ma ihi oo hadii aan lacag haysto waan is kala qaban lahaaba oo meelba uma dhaqaaqeen.

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Aaliyah, if it is that Hamdi i know , yes the place sucks ,, i don't like going to that place but a lot of ppl like it ,,, sheekooyinka iga soo maray lagamaba sheekayn karo ,,

Jac I never said the place sucks, I love their food actually and Hamdi happens to be one of the best somali restaurants in Toronto if not the best. My only problem is that I don't like a place full of somali guys, it gets a bit uncomfortable.


Kk, I think they just don't like you ...nimanka maxaad ku sameesay icon_razz.gif


I never had problems with them. ;)

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I said the place sucks ,,,,,,, i remember one night after we finished the meal and asked for the bill, the waiter stood there reading the bill shouting: "Waxaad qabtaan 99 Kun iyo shan boqol",,,, :D


Bal yaa yidhi noo akhri ma reer miyi buu na mooday ,,, loooooooool

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^^^ lol kuwa kula socda wa kula mid isleeyahay....war been hadaad shegasid been run u eeg sheeg


99 kun iyo shan boqol cunta lugu cunay xagee lugu arkay adiga ka hor lol....cajiib

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JB, hooyadey baa waxey dhihi jirtay 'war jecelaa qofka, ma wad wadahii baa go'ay'...Walee maxaa u haliweysay laguuma cadaabayo adigu...


Aaliyah, igawad waji macbuusyaasha...Dad lee eyka jajaban tahay lee u eg yihiin markaan arko...A bit organization wouldn't hurt, they are not that well organized...As far as their food goes, it is not as good as it used to be...Bariis qalalan uun bay miiska soo saaraan...No thanks, nowadays, Karuur does it for me...Iyagana hadey isbadalaan, I'll take my business elsewhere...

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

I said the place sucks ,,,,,,, i remember one night after we finished the meal and asked for the bill, the waiter stood there reading the bill shouting: "Waxaad qabtaan 99 Kun iyo shan boqol",,,,


Bal yaa yidhi noo akhri ma reer miyi buu na mooday ,,, loooooooool

JB waxaan ku waydiiyay, what currency do you use in Hargeysa?


Somali Shilling lee ha idhihin, hadii kale saa u qoslaaayo waa suuuxaaaa.. :D

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^Alla bas hee, hanagu suuxin...Maxaa u maleysay inee isticmaalaan? Shilling Soomaali ma ehee, wilibo keenii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan ku jiray markii korlooqabto ee isticmaalaan... :D

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Originally posted by thugged out but cant feel my feet:

i dont see any women in those pics... im jusss sayin'.

You just don't see them but I assure you they are there..Who do you think is serving them the food? :D

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