
This old woman is shameless

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I have nothing to say against this elder woman, kaliya shaqsi ahaanteeda iyo sharafteeda ayee u gafeysaa, not Soomaaliya ee degantahay iyo Soomaalida ee ka tirsantahay.

However, it was in the name of Soomaaliya in sidaan sharafta leh loogu soo dhaweeyo meel walba. Calankaas baluuga ee huwaneyd dartiisa lagu soo dhaweeye:



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Islaantaan allaha soo hadeeyo
20 jirkeedii iyo 70 jirkeedii way isu dhaqan egtahay.

Waxay kasoo horjeedaan xag jirka snm, ingiriis yaa gumaystay gobolada waqooyi sababtoo waxay aaminsanyihiin inay ingriiska wada dhasheen 

Protected by British ama (محميةبريطاني) macnaheedu waa nala ilaalin jiray ee nalama gumaysan.

Ingriisku wuxuu ilaalin jiray ugaadha iyo kaymaha ay ku noolyihiin gorillaha dalalka aduunkoo dhana wuu soo gumaystay.

Arintaasu waxay keentay inay diidaan 26ka Jun oo ahayd maalintay xoreebeen ayagoo ka jeclaaday inay adeegsadaan waa   nala xanaanayn jiray.

Ingriisku waa ogyahay inuu kula dagaalamay waqooyiga soomaaliya diyaarado kuna waayay saraakiil magac làhaa berigaas.

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  On 7/27/2019 at 11:21 PM, Ducale said:

We fought against the British koley dabadhilifnimada *** asturi meyso. British ayaanu ku jihaadnay iyo fake nostalgia waa niyad iskudhisida ***.  Odeygeydun ku faantaan the mad mullah, waxaad ogaataan inuu yahay taariikhda umada soomaaliyeed ninka kaliya ee nin kale private part'kiisa u qushuucay oo u gabyay.

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You didnt adress the issue  of lamenting and boasting in regards for british colonialism.. Instead you chose to miscredit thousands of somalis who simply died in northern somalia for fighting british colonialism. 


image.png.2ad78be3a28f14ce3dfa3fbfa488285d.pngA picture says more then a thousands words.  

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Edna adan is a great activist humanist she has done more for people than you guys did. 

The English were somaliland but we were never colonised never have whites gave birth in our land. 

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