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Deeq A.

DAAWO:Xarunta Dawlada Hoose Ee Magalada Burco Oo Laga Hirgeliyey Wadooyin Iyo Dhismayaal Casriya + Maayir Muraad Oo Noqday Maayirkii Ugu Waxqabdka Badna Ee Soo Mara Burco.

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Deeq A.   

(SLT-Burco) Xarunta Dawlada Hoose Ee Magalada Burco Oo Laga Hirgeliyey Wadooyin Iyo Dhismayaal Casriya + Maayir Muraad Oo Noqday Maayirkii Ugu Waxqabdka Badna Ee Soo Mara Burco.


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