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This grey day of happiness

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Waan ka soo raayey oo cadcaadda iyo cirkuba ka kaaftoomay. Inan bilicsanoo shabahda cadcaddoo caga loo yeelay iyo cirkoon caad lahayn ayaa indhahayga cawirtayoon daba cararayaa :D .

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Originally posted by J.11:


a display name, oh thanks. I sense that you are trying to make a sad man feel better by telling him he has hope in writing. Its working, I can feel it
. Which writer were you reminded of? As for the essay, what is it about?

i don't remember really.


i can't tell you what the essay is about, unfortunately. i don't wish to be associated with that kind of sadness in these forums. would be terrible for my street credibility. suuqa marabi in aa iska xiro.

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The day is half sunny, half grey, half rainy and half (of everything I know of all things) shyte. When the sun and the clouds childishly begin to play hide and seek, letting on a ray of light and then a drop of rain to go with it, it is really like they are taking the micky over me. And I can't have them play silly games over my head. But then again Somalis always told me as a boy (and I believed), 'be patient boy, don't be angry with nature. When rain and sunlight mix, know that the time when Hyenas are birthing is finally upon us. This time, they said, is when they are delivering they young ones! It's Waraabe-dhal period. Don't curse the day!'


But why the fck do I care about stup!d Hyenas? I don't care and as far as I am concerned, they should be wiped out altogether to stop this bloody sun and clouds playing games over our head. I may be able withstand whole-some extermination of fck-up creatures but I can't stand for silly games. No sir, I wont! Now, you better not play games on me; that's a clear attempt to piss me off! And really, you don't want me pissed off because that'll be the end of all.


Now, as I saying before I went about warning you reading not to piss me off, if you are in London, I want you to look outside the window of the God-forsaken trap-cube you are locked in. Do you see how the fcking weather is misbehaving? I mean have you in your (not so bloody interesting) life, seen, a misbehabiour this severe? If she (the weather) was my wife, I'd have sure caused her GBH with three tallantaalis dalaaqahs , so hefty and flaming, that the earth under her feet would melt and suck her down below into a swamp of inferno! But pity she isn't! She isn't even anywhere as pretty as the next human female.


Just a minute ago when I asked you to look outside your window, it was pouring, now? It's fcking sunshine, isn't not? You see what I am telling you? This is a conspiracy, I tell you, a conspiracy. A conspiracy I cannot, for fear for my life, I cannot utter its conspirator! I just can't name names. I mean I can but I better not. There is a power that be that you can't really mess with. A power so immense and all knowing that my 'future' forming thoughts are always documented, even before I could commit the sins themselves! Who can even 'think' of protesting, eh? Fck! I am sinning now because I am thinking.


OK, once more, let me stop digressing elsewhere and speak of my agitation: the weather. I say let the world be darn Global-Warmed. Nuke some of it's parks, sink another part, and empy half of it of all it's inhabihants (trees, animals, organisms you name it). Then watch it warm, CONSISTENTLY. You see consistency is what I want to see, it should either be sunny or dark, rainy or dry and so on. This business of the weather showing its smile one minute and it's arrse the next minute is no good. No good at all and I am not happy with it! Something should be done, I say!



OK, I am part relieved. I will leave you now. If you've been upset by my irate post, SUE ME! I have nothing to loose! I may even sue the court itself for wasting the time of a grumpy man. I think I'll have a case there.


Anyway, good luck. Better still, speak out and vent! BUT WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T, I REPEAT, DO NOT UNDER CIRCUMSTANCE, ANNOY HIM! If anything happens to you, you cannot blame me! Bye now.


I think He is pissed! It's bloody cats and camels! This kind of rain has not been seen in London before !


Forgive me, Lord!

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^LOL..This ranting of the weather ever 6 months in worrying Paragon.You need to find a permanent solution to this Akhii,perhaps move back to Africa? smile.gif


ps.To console you its pissing cats and dogs here too but that is good for me,you see I havent managed to clean my car and water my flowers this weekend.. icon_razz.gif

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OK. Maybe I will.


Malika, it's not the raining that I am concerned with, it's the confusing admixture. Straight rain, ok, good. Straigh sunny day, oh, even better. But switch between minutes is iratating. And believe you me, it takes a great deal of stuff to iritate me.


Perhaps I am just mirroring the battles I fought last night in my nighmare. This giant Goliath kept hitting my head with an over-sized club. He never could miss it, baf! Not even once. I ducked and shifted my head as swiftly as I could, but nada! It was as if my head was the centre of gravity for his club. Finally, I ducked so hard that I must have literally flown out of bed and collided with one of the walls, because by the time I regain my composure I could I was lying flat on my face somewhere in the region of the door area. Was I trying to flee within my nightmarish dream? Was I? You tell me. Now my head hurts and I am pissed. At all things.


But anyway, good for you Malika. It seems you have found a use for this weather. Maybe it will allow you to inspect your car and garden to see if they had enough of the washing or watering they need. For me, I have no camels to graze this green land. It's what annoyes me most. It rains so much but it doesn't have camels. Geel beela ingriisoow, oo geeliina Garre qaad! redface.gif


PS: It stopped raing. It's sunny now smile.gif

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Ms DD   

Are you alright duqa? I am worried for you. Incidently your profile pic on fb resembles your mood lately. What is rough 'n ready image you are trying to potray? Where is the sensitive Mr P we admired?

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Really Bad Weather


PS Sorry Image hosting not allowed in my server or else would have shrinked the image


Edit: I thought the image will make you feel dreadful, but I guess my instinct was wrong :D

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^You think that'll drive me nuts? Oh no sir it wont. I see a positive thing in that seemingly dreadful picture; fireworks! It can put on quite a show, I heard smile.gif .


[edit]Stoic, I have a syndrome called 'Selective Sanifaad'. Only few situations annoy me. And that happens every several years smile.gif .


PS: On a second thought, STOIC, I'll be happy with a link :cool: .


MsDD, so sorry dear. I am metamorphosizing into the perfect git personified. It's a phase that I go through every 10 years. Or maybe this time I've hit the much loved 'mid-life' crisis. Might not be as old, but for sure my brain feels 60. I'll to find 'xabatul loos' soon as possible ;) . Ducada dhankayga ku soo gama!

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Paragon, I know what you mean. I was watching the men's Wimbledon final last night until it was held up by rain and I decided to have an early night. Today I find out it was a 5 set thriller, best of all time, drama, Feds came back to make it 2-2 and nearly took the 5th only for Rafa to come back and win 10-9 in the 5th!!!!


Blighty ey?

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It's 07/07, blud. Nobody will blame you for feeling down today (more so if you have to take the tube home).

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^^ I do. But I don't want to talk about it right now. I have less than ten minutes to go and I need to go look for (or 'borrow') a spare brolly. :D

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^Lol. I am going to ask you about the day you don't wish to remember.


Northerner, you've been following the tenis? I flick through the telly sometimes, and all I see is wimbledon staff either uncovering or covering the pitch. Poor sods smile.gif . But I have not been following who's playing who. Yesterday must've been the finals, because all the Somalis were present and cheering loud. So loud that, Thiery, Yacquun iyo Nino who came to see me were puzzled: why are they cheering so loud they asked me? Isn't tenis supposed to get clapping? I don't know I said. You can't blame Somalis, for them it's like football smile.gif .


Anyway, I am resigned to the state of the weather now. To be honest, I got scared for my life when the thunders started lol. Sometimes you have to heed the warning smile.gif

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