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This grey day of happiness

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Are you a xidiga-tiris? A star gazer whose eyes pierce beyond the thin layered mists of November clouds? Are you? Oh no? Well, I guess you aren't. Not much news there. I am though, a star gazer - a xidiga-tiris - and I have been found guilty of this as early as the 9th year of my long life. The dugsi teacher didn't like me solely because of this - he actually feared me for some reason and retorted that I have haunting eyes.


But I don't, and according to many objective people smile.gif , they think there is nothing out of the ordinary with my eyes. Anyway, my dugsi teacher suffered chills when I look at him. 'Bacawyahow maxaad sidaa iigu fiirin' he use to complain. Nor was the dugsi kabiir a friendlier character. I remember how he once cained all over my skin leaving a blood-shot mark on my left eye. Until today, I think it was a conspiracy brewed by the sheikh dugsi.


Anyway, I digress. The object of this topic is to, quite pointlessly, rant in a way I haven't before. My hope is that the exercise would prove to be therapeautic and it would allw me to off-load my blues on others. Its like C02 emission, sell more blues to those who've got less blues emission. Its selfish, I know, but quite frankly I don't care. Today, its all about me, me and me.


Talking about me, today I have been gazing at those grey clouds hanging over London, and I was hoping the sun would somehow show, if not its face, its a!se to the depressed population of this Island. Even spotting the sun's arrse would do for now.


I have to stop myself now...this is pathetic...

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i liked the tugsi bit, very amusing. you know how to engage readers. perhaps you should write more, you know, abandon your dayjob and become a writer. if you fail you can always curse life and become emo which will probably land you with a contract with some publishing company... i'm a worse ranter than you are.


seriously though, it reminded me of some writer...

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Today is the most depressing day ever, I have been in a meeting all morning and now I don't feel like doing anything, yet I have dozen sticky pads reminding me of what needs to be done :mad:

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J11 get a grip man, rain is a blessing. How else do you think such a small country is so rich? It's quiet cosy here in my office, be grateful you don't work on a roadside.


I on the other hand, am in high spirits, some pool splashing to do on my way home in about 2 hours! icon_razz.gif

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i'm supposed to be writing an essay. i was supposed to be writing an essay yesterday as well. instead i come on SOL and spam around. how much more sadder can my life get? and now my brain thought that was a question and came up with several depressing answers...

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J11,one can lecture you on forgetting all the blessing you have today..e.g your health,but why make you feel worse then you already do.


My suggestion is,put some music on[full blast] and just start dancing,dance until you cant stand anymore.Oh while dancing,just spontanously start laughting,laugh until your sides hurt..Ah,that usually works for me but you can do this in the comfort of your home hadhee,we dont want you to be escorted to the mental hospital by the police if any where else...Lol


Or just call a good friend smile.gif

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^^^I cannot believe the advice you gave the dude, I mean, how can you ask a Farah to dance (even in an empty house) he will probably fall over and break his legs and everything else in sight! :D


Today is a good day mashallah.


Oh Paragon, I mean J.11 (damn these names changes) do you know the caarshi is open and Allah is ready to accept your dua when it rains (it always makes me feel better when I remember that, kind like we have more chance than people who hardly ever see rain to make dua and to have it accepted.)


My only other advise is; this is London, why were you expecting sun? We do not even get sun in the “summer” let alone is December, you better get ready for snow and pull your socks up or as Lily said, get a grip! :D

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Dahia, lool. OK, Dahia. I will take your advice but what if I am listening to this ---> naftu doqonsanaa, damac waalanaa. A sad song :( .


a display name, oh thanks. I sense that you are trying to make a sad man feel better by telling him he has hope in writing. Its working, I can feel it smile.gif . Which writer were you reminded of? As for the essay, what is it about?


Willamina, good to hear that :D . It makes me feel better. In fact things are looking up again. Thanks to you. I would've prefered if she (Lily) wasn't that happy today though. Well, what the hell.


Lily, may you get splashed with water by a speeding pensioner's case. Amen smile.gif .

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Ghanima,Ah! I see you feeling good today Alhamdulillah! :D


I have a feeling J.11 aka Paragon is a good dancer,his love for music and all things arty usually tend to bring on a good feeling to people,he just need to tap in his own resources to boost his mood..


J.11,dont worry be happy,every thing is gonna be alright.The sun will shine,if not today maybe in june or july... :D If the seeking of the sun, was a symbol for a much seeded unhappiness in your part then nothing beats the blues then salaat and a doze of quraan...


p.s J.11 dont listen to Somali songs and their illusion of love and what not..

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^^ It's getting worse now. Not just gloomy and grey, it's also getting dark. :(


Heh@Dahia's first advice (the second one sounds fun). :D

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^^ [edit] NGONGE, its not that bad ninyow. Adigana ha isii tiqaantiqinin. C'mon Ngonge, its alright to admit the blues. Its not so bad. So join me smile.gif


So Ghanima, what do you suggest? Finding a dancing partner, and dance like this ?


For your info. I use to dance to Billie Jean and I can still dance - thank you very much! Now, how about you? Can you even lift your hind-leg in tandem with the rythme? Oh now don't go heelo on me - much like that old lady in goodness gracious me with her traditional indian folk dance smile.gif


Dahia, thanks dear. That I would try... I was already getting into my elvis outfit when you posted the second comment ;) ..

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No wonder you're depressed, war stop listening to that calacal, and if you must take Dahia's advice at least make sure it's something upbeat like this , or at least listen to something that reminds you of good times.


Cheer up mate! It wil be rainy& cold till at least May :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ It's getting worse now. Not just gloomy and grey, it's also getting dark.

Walk in well lit places and dont talk to strangers ya Ngonge :D

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Willamina, now I feel sorry for you. You have 1 minute to get the hell out of there :D . Have a good evening dear... smile.gif


Lily... thanks but no thanks ... I'd rather listen to The age of Aquarius :D . Let the sunshine in .... oh let it shineee.....


Listen to the lyrics...


'When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars


This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius

Aquarius! Aquarius!


Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

Golden living dreams of visions

No more falsehoods or derisions


Mystic crystal revelation

And the mind's true liberation

Aquarius! Aquarius!


When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars ....'



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