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Somali Diaspora condemn the terrorist actions of Alshabab

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We, the under-signed representative members of the Somali Diaspora condemn the terrorist actions of Alshabab. We specifically condemn the August 24, 2010 incident at the Muna Hotel in Mogadishu where Alshabab militants murdered over 30 people, including several members of parliament and injured over 100 civilians in a suicide attack.


We condemn this barbaric attack, committed in the midst of the Holy month of Ramadan as being not only against the basic tenets of Islam but also against the most fundamental and normative values of humanity, all of which call for the sanctity of human life. This barbaric act also contravenes Article 3 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which in no uncertain terms states “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”


This latest attack follows a pattern of terrorist attacks that clearly demonstrate that Alshabab is not pursuing a Somali agenda that includes reconciliation and peace but instead, is determined to place Somalia in the dangerous vortex of international terrorism. On December 3, 2009 Alshabab staged a similar attack in Hotel Shamo suicide bombing, which claimed the lives of many Somalis including three Ministers of the Transitional Federal Government, about a dozen graduating medical students and injured more than 60 civilians, making it the deadliest attack in Somalia since the Beledweyne Bombing on 18 June 2009. In the latter incident, Alshabab murdered the Minister of National Security, a Somali diplomat, a dozen traditional elders and scores of civilians.


We impress upon the Alshabab leadership that these actions are inhuman, barbaric, and illegal under Islamic Law as well as International Law and constitutes crimes against humanity.


We urge the international community and the Somali people to take a strong stand against Alshabab, as it has proven to be a major threat to peace in Somalia and poses greater threat to peace in the region and the world.


We also condemn Hizbul Islam for its role in destabilizing Somalia and remind its leadership that their actions and alliance with Alshabab make them complicit in the criminal acts against innocent civilians.


We are appalled by the growing humanitarian crisis unfolding in Somalia as a result of the ongoing conflict, which has resulted in mass killings and human displacement.


We urge the international community to treat the Somali humanitarian crisis as an emergency, worthy of the response it has shown in other emergency humanitarian crisis.


While AMISOM’s presence is authorized by a United Nation’s mandate to protect Somali government institutions, it is also obliged under international laws not to harm civilians.


We deplore AMISOM’s defensive but otherwise indiscriminate shelling of civilians, which constitutes a disproportional response to the actions of its opponent.


Lastly, we urge the leadership of the TFG to vigorously examine the wisdom of its forces and AMISOM fighting a conventional warfare in a major city and also remind them of their obligations under international law not to harm civilians.



1. Avv. Abdurahman Hosh Jibril, Ontario (Canada)

2. Hassan Warsame, Virginia (USA)

3. Dr. Ali Said Faqi,(Ph.D), Michigan (USA)

4. Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, Ontario (Canada)

5. Mohamed Abdi Mohamed, Virginia (USA)

6. Hussein Yusuf, Ph.D Student, Virginia (USA)

7. Mohamed Ahmed Gilao “Tennis”, Ontario (Canada)

8. Yusuf H. Osman Aden, Maryland (USA)

9. Prof. Hussein Warsame, Calgary (Canada)

10. Mohamed Husein Hassan “Gudbaaye”, Minnesota (USA)

11. Abdulkadir Abdirahman “Utah”, Virginia (USA)

12. Abukar Osman “Baale”, Ohio (USA)

13. Farhia Bashir Nur, Virginia (USA)

14. Basto Ahmed, Virginia (USA)

15. Abdirahman A Mohamed, Maryland (USA)

16. Ali Omar, Raleigh (USA)

17. Dr. Abdulkadir Omar Yariisow, Juba (Sudan)

18. Sheikh Mohamed Yusuf Sheikh, Ontario (Canada)

19. Dr. Abdinur Sheikh Mohamed, Ohio (USA)

20. Abdihakim Faqi, Virginia (USA)

21. Abdifatah Adan Warsame “Maroyare”, Ontario (Canada)

22. Enj. Mohamed Ali Addow, Ontario (Canada)

23. Ahmed B. Abdullahi “Bashir Nero”, Virginia (USA)

24. Alibashi Awsahal, Virginia (USA)

25. Abdi Hashised, Ontario (Canada)

26. Omar Said Warfa, Ontario (Canada)

27. Abdi Dirshe, Ontario (Canada)

28. Ali Nur Hussein Boodaay, Ontario (Canada)

29. Khadija Dirie Hassan, Ontario (Canada)

30. Mumin Barre, Virginia (USA)

31. Hassan Isse, Ontario (Canada)

32. Mahad Ali Yusuf , Ontario (Canada)

33. Mohamud Ahmed Hiireey, Boston (USA)

34. Aden Mohamed Hussein, Boston (USA)

35. Abdirahman A. Siad, Ontario (Canada)

36. Bashir Bashir, Ontario (Canada)

37. Suad Dirie Hassan, Washington (USA)

38. Faisal Roble, California (USA)

39. Sheikh Abdurahman Baadiyow, Montreal (Canada)

40. Bashi Hosh Jibril, Ontario (Canada)

41. Ibrahim Abikar, Minnesota (USA)

42. Zainab Hassan, Minnesota (USA)

43. Hussein Warsame, Virginia (USA)

44. Suldaan Abdulkadir Warsame Galbeyte ( EX), Ontario (Canada)

45. Prof. Mohamud Togane, Montreal (Canada)

46. Abdulkadir Abdi “Xuurka”, Ohio (USA)

47. Said Shire “Suugaan”, Ontario (Canada)

48. Adan Adar, Ontario (Canada)

49. Dr. Omar Dufle, Ontario (Canada)

50. Batuulo Ahmed Gabballe, Ontario (Canada)

51. Bashir Warsame, Virginia (USA)

52. Shukri Jama, Ontario (Canada)

53. Ibrahim Sh. Ahmed Mohamed, Virginia (USA)

54. Ahmed E. Muhumad, Ohio (USA)

55. Fowsia Abdulkadir, Ontario (Canada)

56. Abdirashid Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Abdulle, Ontario (Canada)

57. Yusuf Ahmed Nur, Ph.D, Indiana (USA)

58. Mohamed Guled “Libaax”, Virginia (USA)

59. Ali Kulmie, Virginia (USA)

60. Aden Hashi Abdulle “Howle”, Alberta (Canada)

61. Nasir Abdi Baalle, Ontario (Canada)

62. Prof. Ali N. Mohamed, United Arab Emirates

63. Hassan Abshir Hassan, Ontario (Canada)

64. Said Farah Duale, Ontario (Canada)

65. Abdi Ali Wardhiigley, Ontario (Canada)

66. Mohamud Ali Aden, Ontario (Canada)

67. Hussein Siad “Hussein Caato”, Virginia (USA)

68. Said Dahir Said, Ontario (Canada)

69. Yusuf A. Kheire, Virginia (USA)

70. Asha Dirie Hassan, Taxes (USA)

71. Abdirahman Sh. Mohamed Abdirahman “Banadiri”, London (UK)

72. Qadafi Omar Moahmed, Manchester (UK)

73. Avv. Fatuma Jawaanle, Ontario (Canada)

74. Mohamed Abubakar “Alfa”, Virginia (USA)

75. Abdullahi Mohamud Mohamed, Virginia (USA)

76. Abdiqani Rage Barrow, Ontario (Canada)

77. Ali Haji Mustafa, Ontario (Canada)

78. Dr. Abdirahman Ahmed, Ohio (USA)

79. Xayle Ali Wardheere, Ohio (USA)

80. Dr. Mire Ali Ahmed, Ohio (USA)

81. Eng Max’ud Cali Max’ed, Leicester (UK)

82. Abdi Ali Maalin, Ohio (USA)

83. Dahir Abdulle, Ohio (USA)

84. Badel Mohamed, Ohio (USA)

85. Ibrahim Mohamed Dacar “Sheekeeye”, Ohio (USA)

86. Ahmed Hussein Duale, Ontario (Canada)

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Magacayga meeshaas ha laga saaro .... I don't even know who put it .... :D


I'm totally against the "Condemn" policy ,,, waa shuqul carbeed wuxu .... ama gacan bir ah ha la iskaga qabto dad qalladaa ama ha la iska aamuso ,,,

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First condemn baa imaata, kadibna SNM baa dhalata, maadan ogeyn sidaas!


Kuwa lacagta u diiraayo waa in la qabqabtaa, anagu intaas waan ku dadaali karnaa, inta kale waa gudaha wadanka shaqo ah.

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Locations Listed:


USA, UK, UAE, Canada, and even Sudan.


Call me logical but the only conclusion that one can draw is that people INSIDE Somalia support the ambitious ski-masked teenagers.


Asking diaspora what they want out of Somalia is like asking Irish-Americans what they think about the status of Northern Ireland. Let Somalis choose their own fate. So far there haven't been any anti-Shabaab rallies in the capital nor Puntland nor even the Ahlu-Sunnah strongholds. Somalis genuinely like the Shabaab, it makes sense after all, Somali women from Minnesota to Mogadishu are donning indho-shareer voluntarily, its not hard to see why the public strongly supports a fundamentalist regime.


Good night folks smile.gif

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Somali elders in Diaspora denounce Alshabab

Posted by Wilfred Mulliro on September 2, 2010 in Featured, News, Somalia, World News


Minnisota (Alshahid) – A group of elders in the Minneapolis Somali community on Wednesday publicly denounced Somali rebels Alshabab, making it clear that they do not support the terror group they say is responsible for “sinister” acts of recruiting young Americans to fight in Somalia.


The elders made the statement shortly before a closed-door meeting with a representative from the local office of the FBI. The goal of the meeting was to keep an open dialogue with law enforcement — to allow elders to ask questions and air concerns, and give the FBI a chance to educate the group.


Abdirizak Bihi, a community activist who helped get the group together, said the elders are highly respected in the Somali community. To have them come out against al-Shabab is a big step, he said, “because if the elders validate our points of contention, it will be a very important issue for the community to get involved completely.”


Supervisory Special Agent E.K. Wilson said during a dinner break that he listened to the elders’ concerns about al-Shabab, gangs and other issues affecting Somali youth, and explained that the FBI is there to protect their children.


“We’re really dependent on them to carry that message forward to the community at large. These guys are who the community looks up to, and respects, and will listen to,” Wilson said.


The FBI has increased its outreach efforts in the Somali community since roughly 20 young Somalis left Minneapolis in recent years to fight with Alshabab, a violent group that seeks to establish an administration based on extremely convoluted interpretation of the holy Quran in Somalia.


The U.S. has declared al-Shabab a terrorist group, which the Somalia government has termed a branch of al-Qaida in the Horn of Africa country.


Bihi’s nephew, Burhan Hassan, was just 17 when he left Minneapolis to go fight in Somalia. His family said he was killed in the Horn of Africa country.


Source: Associated Press

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Magacayga meeshaas ha laga saaro .... I don't even know who put it ....


I'm totally against the "Condemn" policy ,,, waa shuqul carbeed wuxu .... ama gacan bir ah ha la iskaga qabto dad qalladaa ama ha la iska aamuso ,,,


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By: Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online - Muqdisho, Soomaaliya -

August 27, 2010 - QOL -


Date: August 26, 2010

For Immediate Release


Toronto, 26 August 2010 -The ongoing conflict between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces and the Al-Shabab group has prompted heavy casualties and the displacement of thousands of civilians mainly women, children and the elderly people.


Somali Cause condemns and denounces in the strongest terms the ongoing assault against the people of Mogadishu being carried out by extremists Al-Shabab, particularly the Monday August 23, 2010 attack against innocent people in Muna hotel in Mogadishu


The death toll from the latest bout of violence on Monday August 23, 2010 rose to at least 80 with scores wounded, according to local and international media.


Somali Causes sends its condolences to the families of the victims of Al- Shabab onslaught in Muna Hotel in Mogadishu and to the Somali people who are suffering throughout the country as a result of their barbaric attack against civilians. This assault against lawmakers and innocent bystanders during the Holy month of Ramadan, demonstrates a complete disregard for human life and Somali culture. Somali Cause calls for the perpetrators of this evil action to be brought to justice.


Abdirizak Mohamed


Somali Cause Chair

Somali Cause is an umbrella of seven Somali organizations in the USA and Canada that united to: (a) Educate the world about the plight of the Somali people, (b) Provide humanitarian assistance to the suffering people of Somalia, ©Provide an alternative to the clan and regional based politics, and (e) Safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.


Member organizations include:

1. Alliance for Peace and Development (AFPD), Columbus, OH

2. Baltimore Somali Community, Baltimore, MD

3. Greater Boston Somali Community, Boston, MA

4. Somali Advocacy Council, Washington DC

5. Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance (SCDA), Toronto, Canada

6. Somali Diaspora Network (SDN), Fairfax, VA

7. Somali Institute for Peace and Justice (SIPJ), Minneapolis, MN

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

First condemn baa imaata, kadibna SNM baa dhalata, maadan ogeyn sidaas!

Condemn waa shuqul carbeed baan ku idhi ,,,, Look at them, after 60 years, they are still condemning .. :D

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