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European couple are charged over ‘greeting’ kiss

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European couple are charged over ‘greeting’ kiss


Kareem Shaheen


* Last Updated: August 09. 2009 11:24PM UAE / August 9. 2009 7:24PM GMT


ABU DHABI // A European couple appeared in court yesterday charged with adultery and consensual dishonour for a greeting kiss.


IK, the woman involved in the kiss, pleaded guilty at the Criminal Court of First Instance to consensual dishonour, while ZV, the Russian man involved, is facing the more serious charge of adultery.


IK was asked by Judge Syed Abdul Baseer whether they had kissed.


She replied through the court translator: “It’s a normal greeting.”


“Maybe it’s normal in Russia,” Judge Abdul Baseer said.


Why the two were facing different charges was unclear.


IK denied smoking hashish but pleaded guilty to a charge of drinking alcohol.


Two other defendants, AS, a Russian man, and AR, a Moldovan woman, also denied using drugs.


ZV, AR and another defendant identified only as S denied consuming alcohol.


Their defence lawyer, Abdul Qader Ghazal, asked the judge to postpone the proceedings to allow the defence to prepare its case.


Judge Abdul Baseer granted an adjournment until August 16, when more details of the alleged offences are likely to emerge.


http://www.thenation article?AID=/2009081 0/NATIONAL/708099842 /0/BUSINESS

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That's hypocrisy at its best...If they've invited all the kufaar in the world to the country they should expect these things and far more worse to happen...I've heard they're building a huge Casino with silly money.



PS. Salam my brother Northerner...iska warama adiga iyo reerka?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^Alxamdullilah bro. Just back from UK and recovering. How are things in Africa?


Originally posted by Dabshid:

^as long as u do behind doors, it is acceptable there.

But if they're found drunk they're arrested :D

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Your own world? walaale bal inoo sharax waxa aad taa ula jeedo inagu afka qalafsan waa lainooga roon yahaye?



Northerner...Bro Africa is where its at...beautiful, sunny, amazing beaches all at your doorstep...



Peace, Love & Unity.

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