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LONDON: Snooooooooooow

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the only time I want to see snow is from my window on the days am off from work! But Minnesotta snow doesn't agree. Heartbreaking when I think of global warming but I can't complain when I see such a mild winter like this one. Ibtisam I can't believe you love snow that much :confused:

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^Yeah,I feel ya.I live in Minnesota as well,and I have to tell you this winter has been not so Snowy at all.We only had one snow fall,that is pretty much,it's stil kinda cold though.



But you know what, learn to ski or skate, you will love Snow by then.


Ibtisam, lol...getting excited for snow,girl you are something.Just don't slip and fall.

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It is all gone :( :rolleyes: I guess it was just saying hello for the year. :(


hodman: What is wrong with you, how can you not like snow, are you insane :D I think I'll stop right there!

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^^^^^ Who said I am Man? I am boy struglling to make that transition to manhood.


Devil: coon more like.


PS: No need to explain.

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I never said anything about you been a man dear.... unless you are hodman :D


All I can say is I’ll make dua for your struggle to easy, and that you have an easy transition smile.gif

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Originally posted by ibtisam:

It is all gone
:rolleyes: I guess it was just saying hello for the year.


hodman: What is wrong with you, how can you not like snow, are you insane
I think I'll stop right there!

:D Snow and me don't get along. My poor African bones can't handle it. So I could say why do you like snow are YOU insane :Dicon_razz.gif

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Feeling pretty pissed off.


I pay almost a £100 per month for my travelcard only to sit at home when a little snow appears. They suspended my train service and only let us know after we have been waiting for an hour and a half in the freezing cold.


I fcuking hate London! :mad:

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^^^ Heh. I usually never open my office curtains. The sun reflection on my screen hurts my eyes. But today, I opened them and I’m just enjoying the beautiful scenery. On one side, Hyde Park looks like one big white carpet. The Harrods Dome is covered in snow and the ugly Berkley Hotel looks grim. On the other side (the open plan part of the company) the Gherkin looks majestic, Big Ben Dickensian and the London Eye could easily be mistaken for a windmill that’s producing all this snow.


When I’m indoors I madly, deeply and entirely love the snow.



It's a good day when Val is prevented from prowling the London streets. Though I’ve got to question the reliability of her excuse for not going to work. ;)

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^^I see the District Line is working then :D


ps take some pics with your phone and post them. I know your a bit of a techi so no excuses

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That's london for you sister! It's no secret how much I dislike this city too but what can we do?


The whole country is inadequate and inept to deal with any kind of minor problem!


It's not only public transport (which is very expesive btw) but also banks, supermarkets, hospitals, government offices and so many etc that are totally incompetent in what they're doing, this country sucks really! I find the UK to be a utter joke, small rain and the streets become rivers and the trains won't work!


Then there's signalling problems any other days not to talk about overcrowding and the hefty sum we have to pay for that inept thing they call 'public transport'!


Where does all the money go? NHS is not improving but Labour is pouring in billions but Hospitals are still manipulating their A&E waiting hours, the government set targets for atleast 4 hours for patients to be treated and discharged, ha ha, nice joke should we laugh or what?


Four hours isn't plausible and workable that's why hospitals have to falsify their results because they're not achieving government targets! Even if you wait eight to ten hours, the service you get is totally a waste and inadequate, at the end you might think to yourself it might have been better to treat yourself at home, it's a utter joke!


No wonder people are immigrating from this sick place! But the only thing this country manages is to make nice comedy, the english must be congratulated for their sense of humour, but looking at the state the country finds itself in and the yobbish, disrespectful and anti-social behaviour in the streets, I really can't see why the people laugh at all but I guess somehow people have to look for distractions because looking at it all, you might actually get frustrated and fed up!


London is also a pretty scary place to be in, muggings on the rise, crimes are committed every day and the jails are full and there's no spare capacity left! What to do, don't lock the criminals up just give them a warning or don't even talk to them because you don't have a place to put them into!


Criminal justice system is another area that utterly and totally lacks any confidence actually it is a joke!


One thing is for sure this country is radically disintegrating and going down the drain, what are we going to do then? Go with it? Surely not, atleast I hope so inshallah!


Compared to the continent the UK comes across like a third world country don't even mention how disgusting and retarded its people are! Those old suits and rain coats and houses just make you want to scream! This people don't have any sense of how to do things nice!


The shops are inadequate, ugly clothes you might aswell have thougth the time you stepped in one of such a shop, that you're in a second hand shop, really bad quality stuff!


Then the supermarkets, they sell cheap items anyone of you guys who lived in Somalia in the early sixties, who have seen shops that sell chinese items and products know what I'm talking about!


Cheap products that makes you really angry, how do this people live? No wonder about why their food is so nasty! They don't have a national dish! Oh I forgot actually there's 'fish and chips' wrapped for you in a dirty and old piece of newspaper! This country sucks for sure!


They like to be so oldfashioned and they claim to protect their 'heritage', since when did the hoarding of dirty, old, broken and ugly items become 'protecting ones heritage'!


Well, I guess that's enough for now, I shall continue my rant later inshallah about this country and its dire prospects!

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Actually, NG, I'm in tears. I've got so much work to do I can't really afford to take the day off, but I work in a really awkward location, which means I have got to rely on three equally unreliable overground trains. All three were suspended this morning. And I'm not the only one, some of my colleagues are stuck as well.


I truly hate the transport system. Hate it with a passion. Just hate it! :(

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Ms DD   

Yoonis..One wonders why one is here then? Regrdless of where i go, i always miss London cadeey with all its faults.



My car has skidded 4 times, stalled few times. Only Allah knows how i got to work this morning. I know the feeling.

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