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My trip to Bossaso: situation report. new PICS

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Socdaalkii wariye (sheekeeye) ee magaalada Boosaaso






Bosooso:-Puntland waa gobolo kamid ah Somalia oo markii ay dhacday dowladii Somalia dadkeediina kala haajireen intoodi badneyd isuxilqamay iyagu degaan ahaan isu gartey inay isxilqamaan oo maamul nadaam iyo kala danbeyn leh samaystaan taasi oo u hir gashay iminkana ay ku caano maalayaan gobolada puntland waa 7-todoba gobol oo labo kamid ah lagu darey intii uu dhisnaa maamulka puntland labadaasi gobol oo kala ah gobolka Karkaar oo markiisi hore kamid ahaa gobolka Bari Boosaasona magaalada madaxda u ahayd balse ay hada magaalo madaxda u tahay Qardho oo awal ahayd degmo katirsan degmooyin Bari gobolka kala ee ay maamulka puntland ku dareen puntland ayaa ah gobolka Cayn ismarkaasina magaala madaxdiisu tahay Buuhoodle inkastoo ay tirsadaan ismaamulka gobolada waqooyi oo labaxay Somaliland.


Xaalada amaanka ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa ah iminka mid degan tan iyo intii aan kusugnaana ma maqlin wax dhib ah oo kadhacay, Boosaaso oo ah magaalada aan hada kusugan ahay ayaanan ku arkin wax qori wata intii aan kusugna marka laga reebo ciidamada amniga oo inta badan habeynkii roondo ka qabta magaalada habeenkii, waxaan arki jiray intii anaan soo gaarin Bosaaso qoraaldu ay saxaafadu ku sheegayso in amaanka magaaldu uu liito,iyo habeenkii baarasho tuugo ay gaystaan ciyaal faycali laakin taasi ayaan u gartay inay ahayd dacaayad iyo been la soo dhisay.




Waxbarshada Boosaaso




Dhinaca wax barashada magaalada Boosaaso waa mid aad usarreeya waxaana kafuran goobo badan oo tacliinta lagu barto waxaana ugu weyn jaamacada Bariga Africa oo ah jaamacada puntland ugu weyn islamarkaasina ay dhigtaan iminka arday aad u tiro badan oo isugu jira kuwa ka qalin jabiyey schoolada sar sare ee magaalada waxaana ay u qaybsamaan schoolo sar sare iyo kuwa hoose schoolada magaalada ugu waaweyn qeybtood oo aan booqdey ayaan ku arkay ardey gaareysa kumanaan kun oo subixii wax barasho u soo jarmaada schoolada aan booqdey waxaa kamid ah Dugsige sare ee Boosaaso Dugsiga sare ee Najax Dugsiga sare Sheikh Hamdaan Dugsiga sare ee Shaacifi Dugsiga sare ee Gaarissa Dugsiga sare ee Nawaawi.




Dhinaca Caafimaadka


Dhanka caafimaadka hadii aan fiirino magaalada waxaa ka furan goobo badan oo caafimaad ama ha ahaadeen Isbitaalada gaarka looleyahay ama ha ahaadeen kuwa la wadaago, inkasto yar yihiin isbitaalada dowladu hadana waxaad arkaysa xaafada walba isbitaal ku yaala oo ah mid khaas ah kuwaasi oo dadka u suurto galiyey inay ka bogtaan howlahooda caafimaad,hadana magaaladu waxay ledahay hal isbitaal oo ah kan u weyn magaalada inkastoo ay ka dhimanyihiin waxyaabo badan oo ay muhiim tahay inay helaan shacabku taasina waxaa uu kala mid yahay isbitaalada Somalia ee dowlada la’aantu ku habsatey.




Lasoco Qaybta labaad- Ganacsiga iyo Qaxootiga.


Waxaa soo Diyaariyey Wariye Sheekeye-Bosaaso-Puntland

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Generale, it is good to see Bandar Qaasim though it can hardly be compared to a city like Mombasa.


Shariika, iska aayar bahasha lafaheey kaa gashayee ina adeer. Puntland is not a name of qabiil Soomaaliyeed. It’s rather a regional area of Somalia. Somalia is also a country name not qabiil name. Horumarka laga gaaro Saylac, Caluula, Hobyo, Raas Kimboni, Luuq ama Laascaano, waa waxey Soomaaliyoo dhan u fiican una riyaaqaan.

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Jimcaale well spoken sir,but sharif is a secessionist and from what i have seen of his lot,i wouldn't waste my words on him and his ilk.


Back to the Topic,Nice buildings in the Photo,are they Hotels or normal housings?

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bossaso is looking great so if that becomes a big city like burco or mogadisho then the puntland tribe also have a big major city

Respect, homey. Respect a man who wears his prejudices on his sleeves in full view of the world. Who doesn't dance and dive around his beliefs: His currency of understanding is the tribe. Where it goes, so does he. He doesn't have to mask his repugnant beliefs under the name of socialism(Siad Barre), reform(USC/SNM), or birthright(A/Y).


This is a man you can do business with. You know where he stands. He knows where you stand.


But, talo waxaa ka keenteen, people who shimmy and yank like a NFL running back. Devious political oppurtunists, the likes of Riyaale Kahin and Cade Muse. In a million years, these men would not have announced Sharia law. Enter the spectre of the ICU, and both turn to Islam faster than you can say 'horta ma tukutaa, macalinka, before you start applying Sharia law'. Enter the spectre of the ICU, and these gentleman are ready to break bread with the Devil and sleep with his wife in order to maintain their tribal fiefdoms and the status quo.

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Kashafa,i don't believe in the ICU,and i have a multi-reasons for doing so and i have already stated them over and over again in the Politics Forum,but that being that,tell me anything islamic about the ICU,be it their actions,their leaders,Objectives and current doings.U can even mention their Agendas if u know some.Am i being fair?

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^^not speaking for Kashafa but LX here are my reasons sxb: members of the ICU Aweys, Turki have roots with al-Ittihad uncles were/are of dem killed in puntland Allah Most High be pleased with all of um....n the kufars are against them.....yo I know probaly abdi qasim plotted, some are using the many good brothers, maybe for selifish/qabil reasons.....but Allah too has plan namean.

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Fair enough, brother. But before we do that, why don't you come up with 3 positive accomplishments of the ICU and I'll find 3 mistakes. That way, we'll at least remain open-minded to alternative points of view. Only madmen and 5 year olds think in absolutes. Fair ?

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