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^^^What u mean by morality?, and af somali no good :D , but got jest of what u saying bro.


there is many things that make marriage work, lakiin dont u think its the men that are more to blame? ha la yabiin sxb gabadha and their complains, i heard too many times @ hooyoyiinka and odeyasha raagu wa raagi hoorey.

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I was not even aware divorce rates amongst somalis was so high...seriously i can name about 2 ppl i have heard about that got divorced its not like its an everyday occurance.


YY its wierd to go to Asian to research about the womans attitude to marriage obviously its not going to be the same as the somali women in the western countries....did you jst want a way to blame divorce on women in general and on somali women in particular?


so from your research if any marriage breaks down we all know who to blame dnt we?


come to think of it aint global women the fault of women too?

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A marriage to be sucessful is only though equal partnership, communication.If both parties invest equal effort into the marriage its bound to be a sucess,but if one is lagging behind and is constant a pain in the neck, it will go down hill.


Marrying someone you get along with, have same aim in life, enjoy doing almost similar activities in your spare time,basically marrying someone that will not only be your lover,best friend but also someone you share values, principles etc etc.


The Asian marriage is sucessful,because its a shameful thing to get divorced,even if your hate each other guts.One would rather committ suicide then get divorced.I definetly dont want to live the life of an Indian woman,trapped in a loveless marriage for the sake of family or society.But I do respect their committment.

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They value marriage more then we do.Investing equel effort into marriage is something obviously clear, i dont know why you always say samething at everywhere? are you(guys) competing or wanna be good wives stay in marriage longer and forever.



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Why r all xalimoos like Rosie O'donald these days

yaab yaab! ladies listen to homie...he just tryna educate yall. listen n learn.


its true that asians have less divorce cuz the ladies families forks the whole weddings expenses!!

so she wont be doing no drama scenes like yall.


i believe this is the cure for xalimos irratic behavors these days..! no more taking poor faraax to the cleaner!! lool... time is up. :confused:


now at end of this month, a xalimoo is getting married to blk brotha here in la...this is the 7th marriage of similar situations.. 2 more in the works...! lool.. guess who is paying for it?? Yup, shes! all 20k! watch, he will leave her with couple of babes very soon! lool... i remember running after this one xalimo couple of yrs ago! she keep running away from me! well, today shes divorced with lil kid from the brotha after blowing a fortune 4 her wedding..!


she invited me, this time, i ama go to this wedding!! so i can figure out how to score my paying xalimo!! lool.


i am going for training!! wish me good luck.


PS: Yaabka, if you gal is from Mudug, u need to keep nuff supplies of oodkca in the house!! that calms them xalimos down!!

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PS: Yaabka, if you gal is from Mudug, u need to keep nuff supplies of oodkca in the house!! that calms them xalimos down!!

Thanks for your suggestions saxib-- i will try this with her---they talk too much--they fight too much---they lie too much--what if i sue her for all these.



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