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Daydreaming about my Country

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^All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. - T.E Lawrence


Nice topic Ailamos, i used to have these day dreams in 2006 when the ICU had just evicted the warlords and some semblance of peace was restored, but be careful, to much of this can leave you with a backlash of frustrations and disappointments.


My list:


  • - Create a stock exchange for all Somali Businesses.
  • - Increase female participation on the political scene.
  • - Support Somali Brands like Dahabshiil and SomGulf with subsidies so they can reach their full potential.
  • - Automatic citizenship to anyone of Somali ancestry.
  • - Railway system with 32 000 km worth of track, that links all the interior cities with the port cities.
  • - Reject foreign aid, instead subsidise the local farmers, to the point of being self-sufficient without the danger of reverting back.
  • - Create a military industry, so we are not dependent on others - rebuild a large navy to cover the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.
  • - Restrict the military to the borders, no military parades, no politicians in uniform. Every Somali man and woman between the age of 25 and 30 will do 1 year service in the army.
  • - Free education/Compulsory education till 18.
  • - Revive the Somali Academy of Art and Sciences who will sustain and preserve Somali heritage.
  • - Revive the Somali Film Agency who will re-claim important film festivals, and create a strong film/tv/fashion industry.
  • - Turn the port cities into resorts attracting tourists from countries like Malaysia, Turkey, Ireland etc.
  • - Pursue a policy of self-determination for Somalis outside the country in line with the efforts of the founding fathers.
  • - Create a strong Sports culture with multiple teams and stadiums.
  • - Free market economy with as little governmental control as possible. The government acts as a nurturer only.
  • - Create Mega parks in every city, with lots of fountains, playgrounds and small lakes.
  • - 1 doctor for every 500 citizens of Somalia.
  • - Re-claim the title of largest merchant fleet in the Muslim world.
There is more but i think you already covered that in your list.

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nuune lool waraa labadaan Line aad dadka ku dileysid jooji nooh!..


laakiin gaalka sida uu bulaziyoonka u dhiganaayo maka qeelisay? anigaba markaan meeshaan maraaye aan maano iska qaatay oo gacanta ku dhuftay...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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establish Sunday-Thursday workday... Friday and Saturday are holidays... allow the flexibility for companies to institute a 10-hour workday and a three-day Friday-Sunday weekend

it's officially suggested by the U.N. ; 6 hours of workd a day...3 day weekend..

allowing..offering a 10 hour workday..exploiting the somali worker to attract investors...


the rest is just beautiful !


so if you can convince your partners to fulfil these projects ... without any shady offers...


to satisfy rightwing nationalists :


Allow permanent residency to foreigners after 5 years of continuous residence with no unlawful activity and without absences lasting more than 3 months

citizenship test includes knowledge of Somali language, culture and history

by seperating governance and religion...

thereby leaving religion to the free manipulate the workforce...slavery !


this is the trick :


institute a culture of religious tolerance and understanding; allow the construction of churches and temples

"church" meaning dahab shiil ..

"temple" meaning some factory with slave workers blinded by religious freedom slogans .


no we will not tolerate religion...


the rest is just beautiful


but this:


the facilitation of fair trade deals with as many nations as possible and the creation of two national airlines, one headquartered in Hargeisa and another in Mogadishu to facilitate those business and tourism ties

how cute ! to satisfy all the leftwing revenge upon society losers...

free trade cool , polarization...not cool .



...the rest is just beautiful !

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