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Simple Cute Somali words

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aamus = Be quiet

tartiib= Slow down.

tartiib u dhaqaaq= Move slowly.

gacmaha madaxa saara = Hands up.

hoos u dhig gacmahaaga= Lower your hands.

dhulka seexo = Lie down.

caloosha dhulka dhig = Lie on your stomach.

kac = Get up.

is dhiib = Surrender.

maxbuus baad tahay= You are a prisoner.

waa inaan ku baarnnaa = We must search you.

dib u jeeso = Turn around.

horey u soco = Walk forward.

saf sameeya = Form a line.

hal-hal = One at a time.

adigaa ku xiga= You are next.

hadal ma jiro = No talking.

ha naga hor imaanin = Do not resist.

is deji = Calm down.

i sii =Give me.

ha taabanin = Do not touch.

ha ka bixinin = Do not remove.

ka fogoow = Keep away.

aan gudubnno = Let us pass.

ha baqin = Don't be frightened.

waad bixi kartaa= You can leave.

bax = Go.

guriga = aad Go home.

fur = Open.

xir = Close.

ku dar = plus

ka jar =minus

ka badan= more than

ka yar = less than

midig u leexo= turn right

bidix u leexo = turn left

midigta u leexo= turn to the right

bidixda u leexo= turn to the left

aad tooskaaga = go straight

woqooyiga aad = go to the north

bariga aad = go to the east

galbeedka aad= go to the west

koonfurta aad = go to the south



You can add, remember, keep it simple, and cute smile.gif

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Subxanallah!! - War nuune - Yaa u shaqaysa horta??


this 'cute' words of yours are only suitable for certain kind of people who work for certain kind of organisations - so intaanan jajuus kugu yeerin - ama eeriyada bedel ama no sheeg ciddaad u shaqaysiid.

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The Mini-A&T is back ........

what is with these comparisons with me and A&T????? :confused:


the first time, i exchanged words with the guy - he accussed me of being christian of some sorts and i am getting you people calling me mini A&T - what is with you?


am i missing something here - would someone let me know please.

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None of you added anything, classic topic hijacked with safaleeti on the Pilot's cockpit :D



This is pure kala-faaiideesi, hadaad rabtaan keena erayo uu isticmaalo ibleez, wax un keena meesha, ummadana u faaiideeya waa bil Ramadaane smile.gif

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joogso= Stop

istaag ama waan ku tooganayaa= Stop or I will shoot

amarkeena raac= Follow our orders

xabad ha ridin= Don't shoot

hubka dhiga= Put your weapons down

dhaqaaq= Move

halkan imoow= Come here

i soo daba soco= Follow me

halkan joog= Stay here

halkan igu sug= Wait here

ha dhaqaaqin= Do not move

joog halkaaga= Stay where you are

i soo raac= Come with me

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