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What is Story of this song??? Anthem for SNM or WSLF

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dadkeyga miyaa la garab rogi

ciidaydu miyaa dhamaataa

dhulka soo anigu malihi

dalka soo anigu malihi

gumaysiyaa nacayaa yee geeridu dhibaysaa

waqtigii dhamaayoo kuu dhaqaaqi doonaa

ninkii dhoof ku yimidaa geeridu dhibaysaa...

two friends had fight over this song as to when and what is sang for.


one (from Hargeisa) claimed it was for the anthem of the SNM and it was sang by some woman *forget the name* during the 1980s bombarment of northern somali towns and cities and it was against Somali goverment or as he called it "******"



The other guy (from shilaabo)claimed that it was for the war of liberation in Western Somalia during the 1970s war against Ethiopia colonial army. he didn't know who sang it but refused it was the woman that the other guy claimed.


during the agrument Shilaabo guy asked Hargeisa guy "ya ku gumaystay" since the song is about gumaysi dhacaya.


The hargeisa guy said in matter fact way "dee ******ta"


Shilaabo guys sucker punches the hargeisa guy - Qardho & Burco split them apart :D



anyways - where our resident historians in SOL - i want to know the whole story behind this song???


Warning: i heard this and that are not sufficient evidence - so please should you feel like saying that stay away from the keyboard we don't want to have virtually fisticuffs. :cool:

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Ninkii dhoof ku yimibaa

Geeridu dhibeeysaa

Wakhtigii dhamaayoo

Wuu dhaqaaqi doonaa


It was an old Wadani by Waaberi - composed by Sangub - an anti song for Ethiopians. One of the songs the Barre-Mengistu agreement passed not to be broadcast to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia likewise no similar songs to Somalia.


PS: And Sangub is from Somali galbeed though born? and bred in Hargeysa.

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sangub sow kii belada loo heystay maaha.


the song waxa qaada hobolada waberi, waxana laqaaday during dagaalki amxaarada lala galay over somali-galbeed. in fact alot of wadani songs with amazing lyrics baa la qaaday during dagaalki sefentisefen.

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^ Yes, very good wadani songs baa la qaadey berigaa. Like this one, Juxa.


I get jerky eyes when I listen to it everytime. My alarm wakes me up with Qalinle's patriotic declaration every morn.


Ciil weynaa aduunyadu! :mad:

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Oo intey dhoof ku tageen, inteyse ka dhaqaaqi, mala weydiiyay kan reer hargeysa ah? Malaha heesta miraheeda sifiican muusan u dhuuxin...

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rer hargeysa work between 9-5, anything posted 5.10 wont effect them yaa kool and paragon


sayidkana dhiigeenu buu qabaa

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^Original song was sang in the 70s, but it has other versions as well. I remember one that goes like:


Dhulka soo(reerkaas)malaha

Dadka soo(reerka)ma aha

Kii doon ku yimi bay

geeridu dhibaysaa


Wuu dhaqaaqi doonaa


Ma dhamaystiraa dee? :D

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dadkeyga miyaa la garab rogi

ciidaydu miyaa dhamaataa

dhulka soo anigu malihi

dalka soo anigu malihi

gumaysiyaa nacayaa yee geeridu dhibaysaa

waqtigii dhamaayoo kuu dhaqaaqi doonaa

ninkii dhoof ku yimidaa geeridu dhibaysaa...

Heestaan maaba muran gishay maanta. Heesaha dadka xaadda qaadi jirtay kamid tahay. Ciyaalkeena jeclaa, siiba ereyada kamid ahaa:


Dhulka soo anigu malihi -- haa, haa, haa

Dalka soo anigu malihi -- haa, haa, haa.


Of course dagaalkii Xabashada iyo Soomaaliya la alifay ee Toddobaatanmeeyadii.


Laakiin ereyga waa "gumeysiga dhacaya...," not "gumeysiga nacayaa..."

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ibtiyeey the landcruiser song waxa qaada saado cali warsame and is entirely different.


it goes along the lines


gaari raaxo lihiyo

land cruiser gado

guuxiisa mood, mood, mood

gob inaad ku tahay

geeska afrikooy.

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