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Think Agian

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It’s been long time since the central government of Somalia was destroyed, since then there is no government or any organization that truly cares about Somalis and Somalia. Ironically those of us who are educated and living in outside Somalia are having fun and do nothing for the young ones who are growing up violent and ignorant. When we do Something we do something that will never help but hurt instead, like helping your tribe with some money to buy guns with.


Have you ever think of where the world is at today technological , economically and politically? then compare where we are at. Now how can we still help a group of loveless who care less about the young Somalis male and female growing without education. Do you think the dollar you give will help them? No rather it will help them get gun to kill , rob or rape their fellow Somali brothers/sisters.


This is not something we can let this blood sucking idiots to do, if there is nothing you can do about at, never ever give a penny if you are asked by people (othoyaasha) the so called leader you don’t know where they are going to spend it’ no doubt that the elders will come to you one day and ask you for money to protects tribe so and so for town so or region so.


Do you know that the war criminals (warlords) in Somali have their children outside Somalia. It’s only the rest of the Somalis children dying for hunger and growing up uneducated. let me give example most of the Somali who were fighting in Somalia didn’t knew that there was Hussein Aideed and if they did knew they are very small number. When his dad passed away he took over as result Somalis are still suffering and loveless is there to keep the war going.


I must admit that there is a force in and out of Somali that have no job but keep the fire going in Somalia and Africa at large, but hey It will end when God all mighty wills it; every soon insha Allah, but we must make changes and we must make it right now ! It starts with one person let it be you, don’t hate you anybody because his tribe. Make changes at personal level and it will spread within and the community a round you.


In conclusion I would like to tell the young Somalis male and female to say Stop!! The Qabill Qabiil and let’s hold hands together, and be brothers and sister for our own benefit then with the help of Allah we will make difference.



Note: for give me any misspelled words ( if there is any)

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