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biG mOm

can we Stop lying to ourself

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biG mOm   

A/alaykum warahmatu allaahi wabarakaatu.


-Lying is haram as we know, then if I ask you how old you are :eek: I'm uhm...ooh -5, or more than -7 :D , lol, you cannot change the day you came out of your mother’s womb. Your age is your age,


-You olso like to say I'm tall ;) add your self one or more inch.... hmm why don't we bleive who we are? we must broud to our self...


-The Mirror doesn't lie -


-how do you feel about lying to yourself?


-Lying that may indicate emotional problems:


-All religions make Truth claims, i.e. they all claim to tell us the Truth about God, man, salvation, and the universe.

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