
Cheeseman protests to Kenyans with regards to Somaliland

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5 hours ago, Amigos said:

If you are so weak that you could not step 10 meters out of your compound in the middle of the capital you are pretending to be president of, then what other outlet do you have to air your frustration other than calaacal letters and begging other nations to not deal with Somaliland? 

They are pathetic and they know it, let them keep writing these begging letters from the comfort of their AMISOM-guarded bunkers, the IC has long seen through their petty usage of terms like "territorial integrity" and "unity". 

These Calaacal letters will be placed in the national museum of Somaliland for future generations to have a giggle about it. :D 


Somaliland Foreign Affairs Ministry, responds to the calaacals and CC's a copy to Kenya.


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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KENYA has everything to lose, can THEY dare and recognize SL, so be it, N.F.D with 1962 referendum will bite them.

SL has not yet done a legitimate referendum but we are talking oil rich,  that had legitimate referendum and people  are NOT Kenyan. Far more stronger case to secede than SL.

Return of Shifta is inevitable !

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9 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

KENYA has everything to lose, can THEY dare and recognize SL, so be it, N.F.D with 1962 referendum will bite them.

SL has not yet done a legitimate referendum but we are talking oil rich,  that had legitimate referendum and people  are NOT Kenyan. Far more stronger case to secede than SL.

Return of Shifta is inevitable !


Nin gurigiisi gubanaayo oo guri nabadda ah dab iyo colaad u saadaalinaya. Awoowe, Somali Kenyans have learned a lot over the years. The days when they were used like cannon fodder by Mogadishu is long behind us. 



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Waa afeef siyaasadeed in kenya loo sheego khaladaadkeeda ayadoo la ogyahay inay ula jeedo xumayn iyo faro gelin

Bari waxaa imaan kara in nabar yar oo ay sahlanayso kansar aan dawo lahayn ku noqdo.

Snm ayadu waa naf la caari 'jeer' biyo kasoo baxday oo iska qoraxaysanaysa dad bay ula ekaatay marqaan dartiis

Nin dhulkiisa boobaya waxna aqoonsan  karin waa i salaamay iyo safaarad buu beesha u ogalaaday ma wax dad loo sheegaa?


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Alamtrana soo dhaaftay ayay maraysa, halkee afeefi kuu taala? :D

Hadii si kale loo dhigo, waa nin feedh afka kaaga jiiday oo ninkii ilkoha dhiig ka da'ayaan waliba baryootamaya "Kenya waa ku tuugaa nooh, naga qalee nooh..." :D

Meanwhile, Somaliland is solidifying its relations with its neighbors. :D  

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Aqoonsi ka raadi nin dhul iyo bad soomaaliyeed doonaya waa gunimo.

Ingriiskii malaga quustay? Waa tan afrikankii dib loogu soo noqdaye?

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4 hours ago, gooni said:

Aqoonsi ka raadi nin dhul iyo bad soomaaliyeed doonaya waa gunimo.

Ingriiskii malaga quustay? Waa tan afrikankii dib loogu soo noqdaye?

 Hadii ay cidi ku gumoobi lahayd siyaasadda kuwa AMISom bahdilsho ayaa gun ah runtii. Dad dhulkoodii askar Bantu African ah ugu amar ku taagleeyso, anigu ma arag gunimo ka hoseysa.  

Mida Somaliland iyo Kenya, awoowe aan ku xasuusiyo e xidhiidh koodu maha mid maanta ugub ah. Waa mid soo jireen ah. 

Badda Somaliya, reer Somaliya ayay u taala. Ama rag noqda oo soo dhacsada ama calaacalka joojiya oo rag waa isdamaaciyi jiree u haneeya Kikuuyadda. :D 

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Ugaas suldaan

Soòmaaliya waa soo kabanaysaa sida muuqata.

Libaax dhaawacan dacawo iyo waraabe la socda waa isaga filanyahay.

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5 hours ago, gooni said:

Ugaas suldaan

Soòmaaliya waa soo kabanaysaa sida muuqata.

Libaax dhaawacan dacawo iyo waraabe la socda waa isaga filanyahay.

Hadii bari la odhanjiray Soomaalidu waa libaax, maanta tusaale (text book example) waxa loogu soo qaata wax walba oo raqiisa ama laga yaqyaqsoodo. Waxa sidaa ugu wacana waa Reer Koonfurka oo dadnimo, Muslimnimo, Somalinimo, wax ay xeeriyeen jirin.


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