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Virginity Lie

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Outrage as French judge annuls Muslim marriage over bride's virginity lie.


The annulment of a young Muslim couple’s marriage because the bride was not a virgin has caused anger in France, prompting President Sarkozy’s party to call for a change in the law.


The decision by a court in Lille was condemned by the Government, media, feminists and civil rights organisations after it was reported in a legal journal on Thursday. Patrick Devedjian, leader of the ruling Union for a Popular Movement, said it was unacceptable that the law could be used for religious reasons to repudiate a bride. It must be modified “to put an end to this extremely disturbing situation”, he said.


The case, which had previously gone unreported, involved an engineer in his 30s, named as Mr X, who married Ms Y, a student nurse in her 20s, in 2006. The wedding night party was still under way at the family’s home in Roubaix when the groom came down from the bedroom complaining that his bride was not a virgin. He could not display the blood-stained sheet that is traditionally exhibited as proof of the bride’s “purity”.


Mr X went to court the following morning and was granted a annulment on the grounds that his bride had deceived him on “one of the essential elements” of the marriage. In disgrace with both families, she acknowledged that she had led her groom to believe that she was a virgin when she had already had sexual intercourse. She did not oppose the annulment. Read more..

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He could not display the blood-stained sheet that is traditionally exhibited as proof of the bride’s “purity”.

Armaanuu isagu meesha waxba ku haynin ,,,,,,,,

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^ This "blood proof" culture is widely practised in Ethiopia (nowadays rural areas). But, the women are industrious. Kuwa mar hore laga soo dhiijiyay een waxba is la heyn, chicken blood ayay kolkay hawshu kululaato ragga ku hoos daadiyaan. Ninkaan xariif aheyn waa loo qariyaa. Loona cabaadaa. Kolkaasu qosol ku dhuftaa. Some even fake limping for two days as proof of hard labour.


Ninkii xariif ahi isagu laydhkuu u shidan, fartana wuu iska horeeysiin! [istaaq furulaah].

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Istaqfurullah Abtii, maxaa kaa yeeray! wax yaalahay qaar kood mala sheego. Bal tirtir the last part.

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Tan hoose ka waran, BUUXO :D:D:D:D [ today is my first and last day on this soft topics. I will go to my favourite politics. so I felt I better exhaust all]


Virginity lie II

This is a true story. This friend of mine was advising me what not to do while I was preparing to marry. He advised me not to announce that I am GD (Guur-doon). He said he did just that, and later regretted. Why? Because every women he talked to, got serious and tu aan waligeed la ag marin. The story of one that he was closing on to marry was particularly intriguing. She would not allow him to touch her shoulders. Halkaa iga fadhi waryaa business. Apparently, this girl was notorious for easygoing with men. She was even rumored to have been offering apprentices to most of the upcoming he-goats. They use to say, no one graduates to manhood without gacan maris on her. But, this friend never knew. At last, as he decided to take her in, the man insisted on proving her virginity. This is the conversation they had as he was finally allowed to embrace her; as a gesture of gratitude for the proposal of marriage.


Haajir: Haye dee, show me you are virgin

Ruqiya: oo miyaadan I aaminsaneyn, isiidaa waryaa. Faking anger

Haajir: Maya dee, let me see inaad tolon tahay

Ruqiya: Iga daa dee.

Haajir: Ma yeelayo.

Ruqiya: sensing danger, took the risk. Ok. I will show you but from distance.

Haajir: from distance, maxaa laga garan. Maya farta uun ii saar.

Ruqiya: after long debate, allowed him, while squeezing her legs and buttocks as hard as possible.

Haajir: Is dabci dee. Nervous and hot, he slipped his hands to the heavens.


Sensing no impediment all along, he queried, ‘away dee’? With slyly voice and heaving, she said, “ Anigu Hoooooooostaan ka tolan ahay!”. She said Hooooostaa with a funny long sound, he told me.


The angry man said, “hoostee? Ma caloosha?”



Moji wax igu dhacay maanta. Actually, i post the second before I saw your comment. I regret to have disappointed many. But this is an anomaly. Rest assured. Looma noqonayo.

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^^^ :rolleyes:


This is silly and some people have no shame. :cool: Acuudubiliah.


Men need to stop obsessing over what is between a women’s legs. siidan sii maah. Does things like this really happen. redface.gif

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Unfortunately it does@Ibti


A&T,I wasnt disappointed but just concerned for you,as the contents of your post this morning reveal something else[mating season miyaa meshaa aad joogti?].. redface.gif:D

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Waxanoo dhan Nephthys ayaa ka masuul ah. Bal maxay waxan noo dhex gelisay.


Yaa Jamaacaa

Ha la i cafiyo, 36 baan bartanka u fadhiyaaye. Seriously, I am embarrassed.


But I still don't share Ibtisam's dismissive comment. All these weeks, I was only astonished by the amount of talk about short man, French kiss blah blah. Waa yahee, naga daayaa sheekooyinkaa. And I don't think it is lost to Ibtisam, that what she just said shouldn't happen, is unfortunately what has actually been happening throughout mankind's history.


Ibti, Shall I also tell you woman who bothered about what is in between man's....? :D


Anigu maana bilaabin. But my posts are uncalled for, regardless. And I APOLOGISE.



Ramadantii baa soo dhow so ma'aha. Danbigaan sii dhamaynayaa hadda; in talking of course. Waxaad sheegi, ayaankee. Yaa hayaba.



Adigu dadka maxaad iigu soo jeedinaysaa???

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If you are so embarrassed, go and edit it and delete it then.


Take responsibility for your actions, regardless of what people talk about. It is called self control.


As for my "does this really happen" I was yaabing at the audacity of the two people you described. Laba kaal daareen, commentated by one with no shame icon_razz.gif


How old are you hoorta, what is with I did not start it! :rolleyes: and please keep all your other stories to your self.


It does not even matter if it happened or happens, waax laa sheego maaha. I thought you was qoof caade aah. :cool:

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