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Johnny B

Women inferiority

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Johnny B   

Though Human power relationships are very complex they seem to follow a pattren of percieved hierarchy , it is believed that in order to sustain the hierarchy in place, freedom or too much of it ( if there is such a thing) for females has to be rationed as they're incabable of handling it, It is quite disturbing that almost in every culture, the power relationship does not reflect the real social contribution structure of that society.


A theistic view of God-Man or a Master-Slave sort of relationship is replicated socially and politically instead, a mantra of wives must obey husbands and citizens must obey the "Ulema" is in effect, which is in itself a proxy for the very dogmatic view which the percieved hierarchy rests upon,namely, Mankind should submit to God(s)and females should submit to their divinely-ordained betters instead of insisting on equality and liberty.


Things don't look any better on the individual-family level, the Hierarchy is deeply rooted in those cultures that marriages are supposed to be successful not becouse expectations are equally leveled on both genders, but wives are expected to submit to the leadership of their husbands, and not only for their marriages to succeed,but even for them to have a shot at paradise, thus the devinely hierarchy is maintained.


Can marriages be successful only when and if women submit to men ?

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^This is what happens when one reduces everything to an abstraction-weeds out the details so they could focus few concepts merely to promote or codify their own beliefs. It is simplistic way of looking at the world though it sounds highly intelligent.

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