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Buubto, LooooooL. Waxaa ka hadloysaa aan u maleynaa boorame. I had seen naag uu kusoo dagay qixii, and maan maxaa uunsi, cuud, iyo balaayo kale loo shiday. Dariishadaha aan ka fiirineynay, anageeba nagu baxday, saan u naxnay ciyaalkeen waqtigaas.


Traditional remedies might work, like qofka qabo cagaarshoow waxaa laga gubaa both wrists.


Qofka madaxweyn waxaa laga gubaa madaxa asagoo yar.


Qofkii jadeeco heyso, geed geedaha kamid eh caleentiis aa loo qasaa madaxa laga saraa.


By the way, do you guys know there was a famous doctor in Xamar who immigrated from Burundi named Dr. Didoneeya? Or Ditoore Burundi as of his nationality. Gabar Soomaali uu qabay, and the guy was really anything but Soomaali.




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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:



Buubto, LooooooL. Waxaa ka hadloysaa aan u maleynaa

Isn't boorame a city's name? I don't know excatlly what they called it but i do know it, as saarasha dadka ku soo dago, mingis ka tumid or duulal. Whatever they call it, it is scary.


heyso, geed geedaha kamid eh caleentiis aa loo qasaa madaxa laga saraa.

dam laa ilaha ila laah ha isoo xasuusin, i remember markuu jadeeco igu dhacay, it was so horrible caleen la kar kariyay plus an animal blood ayaa la igu qubeeyay, i do remember feeling disgusting afterwords.


By the way, do you guys know there was a famous doctor in Xamar who immigrated from Burundi named Dr.
? Or Ditoore
as of his nationality. Gabar Soomaali uu qabay, and the guy was really anything but Soomaali.

Yes i do know him he was a family doctor. why is he expart in somali medicene?

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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

Originally posted by MIZZ-UNIQUE:

buubto naagti dariska wa buubi jirtay

lol buubid ku ronaa rako wey ka dartay lol icon_razz.gif

i also remember cunuga marki lacayuumo wax baa lasiiya..i think it was mal mal

Don't they use mal mal to stop sucking the thump? I remember they used on me & my sister :rolleyes: redface.gif

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Salaams---Buubto manooleed?--glad to see u walashis


This ppl with Jinn R fakking and they is fakes-sabaabto ah one of my uncles aa maalin boolis(eey wato) ayuu ku bursaday(and he did it for the hecks of it!)and he made em confess str8 up that they was deceptive and wax kajiro maleh!....lakin it works for the ppl--


anyways i knew yall had so many stories-and no one is thanking me for bringing this wonderful topics to save u from complains and what not----maybe i should get an award!?-i will sleep on it

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lol @lakkad...


wish i could say i enjoyed it,,,,i did,,,but i missed out all the good bits, coss me somali is not that good,


my loss,,,,


i'll only nominate u for the award after u give me the translations.

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Lakkad you have been nominated-i beLieve it was for written SomaLi.By the way thanks for bringing up some good oLd memories.


SiLent-Sistah nothing for free huh?

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Originally posted by Lakkad:

[QB] Salaams---Buubto manooleed?--glad to see u walashis

Thanks nice to see u too, glad to see u not one of the old nomads who changed thier shirts & dirac's. I can't reckognise them :mad: to see a familiar name makes big differece :D . icon_razz.gif


This ppl with Jinn R fakking and they is fakes-sabaabto ah one of my uncles aa maalin boolis(eey wato) ayuu ku bursaday(and he did it for the hecks of it!)and he made em confess str8 up that they was deceptive and wax kajiro maleh!....lakin it works for the ppl--

Allahu yaclam, since we came to west i am yet to see a lady with duulal even the one's who had it, seem to be fine all the sudden :rolleyes: . Maraqooda muufo u gashay they don't need to ask their needs any more icon_razz.gif

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