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Boris Johnson: “Islam is the Problem”

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Your displaying the typical behaviour of someone who have already lost. You dont want to argue with me because i am an amateur! how pathetic does that sound. with statements like that you have gone down in my estimations.


Trying to mock people is a manipulative tool only used by people who have nothing to say or even worse who have already lost the argument! you really are pathetic CL.

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CL, I assume it would be pointless anyway, interesting tools are employed by some to avoid debating, ignoring direct questions, nit picking, selective reading, you'll be here all year and still get no where. You can only have a debate if the other person is open minded enough to consider your points without assuming that no matter what you say, their way is better.


Marcus: The challenge stands, do you accept or not?? If the answer is no, I would like you to apologise for making up information in an effort belittle and insult me.

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The funny thing is you make arguing with you pointless and quite frankly easy; I don’t need to argue with you because the next statement you utter rebuts/contradicts your prior comment so Instead of arguing with you I wait for your next reply that’s how easy you make it. As for my estimation don’t insult me please, its hard enough dealing with your claim of being a Tory.



I find it funny you accuse ibti of being flip flop…because since you have graced us with your bile comments you have been just that in every sense of the word.

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