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Boris Johnson: “Islam is the Problem”

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For all the people considering on voting for this joke of a character, we (the organization I'm helping out) digged up some of his previous comments on Islam, 2morrow inshallah I shall post his view on Black or Africa people.


In the The Spectator Magazine, on the 16th July 2005 Boris Johnson stated that it was time to reassert British values in the face of extremist Islam. At the same time Ken Livingstone was trying to engage with Muslims, organising a conference to try and unite all faiths.


Below are some quotes from that edition, anyone who is interested can read the full version online.


"Islamophobia seems a natural reaction"


It is time to reassert British values…That means disposing of the first taboo, and accepting that the problem is Islam.
Islam is the problem.

To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions.


The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? "When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s mediaeval ***?"


A first step towards what could be called the re-Britannification of Britain.



In case you was wondering he also had something to say about Jews and Palestine;


“Their family gets the bulldozer”


If we were Israelis, we would by now be doing a standard thing to that white semi-detached pebbledash house at 51 Colwyn Road, Beeston. Having given due warning, we would dispatch an American-built ground-assault helicopter and blow the place to bits. Then we would send in bulldozers to scrape over the remains, and we would do the same to all the other houses in the area thought to have been the temporary or permanent addresses of the suicide bombers and their families.


After decades of deranged attacks the Israelis have come to the conclusion that this is the best way to deter Palestinian families from nurturing these vipers in their bosoms, and also the best way of explaining to the death-hungry narcissists that they may get the 72 black-eyed virgins of scripture, but their family gets the bulldozer.


"I am an ardent neocon."

Go figure….


P.s I will dig up his comments calling blacks "piccaninnies" 2morrow inshallah.

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I know, Boris is now saying that he is 'proud of his Muslim ancestry' Funny, anyone would think there was an election coming up Boris! What a hypocrite he is. :rolleyes:


No, I don't work for Ken, just a concerned citizen, I volunteer for few pressure groups.


P.s. He is a disgrace and I'm sure he won't win, but the thought of him winning is enough to get me to give a few hrs of my time. Londoners are sane people, people with real issues and they will not be voting for this joke or the fools that make up his advisors. (Although there is a chance that they might vote for him, simply so they can laugh at him) redface.gif:D

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^^^naag waalan :D baal waayeh.


In an article in 2002 Mr Johnson referred to the Queen being greeted in Commonwealth countries by
"flag-waving piccaninnies"
and said that he expected, during a mooted visit by Tony Blair to the Congo, that
"the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles to see the big white chief".


These are disgraceful comments that shame Boris Johnson and shame the Conservative Party.
"This is the most offensive language of the colonial past and it shows that the Tory party is riddled with racial prejudice. No one with such views can be the mayor of a city with the largest black population in Britain."


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^^^I guess there is no way you can defend/ justify this? You should be ashamed of yourself, because you know it is wrong to support him, you cannot justify why you support him, yet you blindly follow some party loyalty. :rolleyes: congratulation for selling your soul to a political party that does not serve your interest. :D



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Geel Jire;

Me too, but CL is just taking the retarded approach hoping we'll leave her to dig her head in the sand (so I suspect she does not support him, (or care one way or the other) she is just pulling my leg) :D While the other is spiting tabloid rhetoric’s about Livingstone, so he is saying Livingstone is so bad you may as well vote for Boris, rather than emphasizing why Boris should win or even what he can contribute. So please guys, tell us.

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Ibti- Bingo dear, just because am conservative does not mean I support every MP in the party for instance I don't like David Cameron and his wife George Osborne does that make me less Tory? Nope, Boris is joke and I am sure a lot of people will vote for him for the simple, there feed up with Ken…I know a lot of people that are now seriously looking at Brian Paddick.

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^ smile.gif I knew you had more sense than some people. :D Not at all, many Tory serious members and MP's are not supporting Boris.


I like Brian Paddick, but he does not have a chance at winning, so the only possible option that leaves me with is Ken, anyone but Boris please.

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