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Salaamu alaykum walaalyal. I need your bright ideas and brain cells working. We got smart peeps here aight. First we should realize and ask ourselves why are we somalis here in the West the lands of opportunities? Two do we care about our land somalia? A piece written by NG in politics section got my attention because it falls in line with my views, no hope and very pessmistic. however i think there is more to it and i ask myself without hope and sacrifice there will never be change or victory for our people. THough this deals with politics i put in general section for obvious reasons. And two gabdaha for some reason dont get involved in politics, we need the ideas of our sisters somalia has long dismissed the input of women half of our society and vital to our community.



Heres the Quote by NG lets explore it inshallah:


This one, truly, is a non-topic. There are only two opposing sides in Somalia today (I’m deliberately ignoring Somaliland here). It’s not hard to make a choice between the two. You either choose the Xabash-loving-civilian-killing government or the Eritrean-loving-civilian-killing Courts. We spent a whole year discussing the qualities and flaws of both.
There are no great leaders hiding in the shadows that’ll come out and rescue Somalia.
These two sides are all that you have. So come out and make a choice! Is it going to be the so-called terrorists or the supposed turncoat?

What do you think?

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Figures no feedback. I take my smart peeps here comment back :mad:


I started another similar topic on poltics section. very interested in various views on these issues. I dont agree with NGs quote for one, somalia is not for or about corrupt politicans, but indivdual private citizens. if the Somali people had to chose between two choices: 1. Unity of their people, nationhood, good governance, prosperity, nabad, ect ect or 2) The sectarian differences, and the current state of affairs for the past nearly 20 years, I can not think of any one in their right mind that would choose the latter. what somalia needs first is peace how to achieve that and where are the people to bring peace to somalia. We dont even have an umbrella organization in the states ect. public service minded people is what somalia needs. And Allah knows best.;f=9;t=012101

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Compare it with the situation in Rwanda their society and it's fabric was obliterated during those unhumane attrocities that occurred there. People were speculating for two seperate countries one for Hutus and one for Tutsis yet they managed to recover and preserve their unity because they didn't have external forces meddling in their affairs whenever several Rwandan groups came together to talk their issue's out, if Somalia had been left alone( and i mean really left alone) and not awashed with foreign military equipment and payments to various warlords today's situation would have looked differently and a era of stability would have been in place for a good 7 or 9 years


If Hargeisa was the former capital of Somalia all that destruction we witnessed in the last 17 years in Mogadishu would have happened there, same applies for Bosaso


it is precisly because of the fact that these two cities during the government era werent that important that they were allowed by foreign powers to develop cause Mogadishu the former capital was their main project

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