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Hissa Hilal - Saudi woman sparks controversy in 'Millions Poet' contest

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Arab forums have more Khayr's than C&H's. :D



She's not the first woman to go on that show and recite a poem of such style (many men did too). The people objecting to her are against her singling out of a certain (fire brand) sheikh and his fatwa. We all moan about the millions of confusing fatwas we here everyday but we don't point out (except if you're Khayr) sheikhs and single them out for criticism.



Whilst the conditions of Saudi women are not perfect they are not as sheltered and cocooned as you seem to think (by your reply here and how positive you think that a Saudi woman appearing on TV is). Saudi women do have voices and are making their voices heard.

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^The Shiekh brought it on himself for issuing such an ambigious fatwa. He later clarified his position.


The shiekhs need training in minimising any confusion their fatwas may create. When they don't bother and that fatwa goes from one media outlet to another to internet forums etc you can't blame people for asking questions and being confused.

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^^ Asking questions and being confused is ok. Criticising without making sure that you heard it from the horse’s mouth is really not on. Or else, we might as well get rid of these sheikh's and just follow every other Khayr who thinks he knows what he's talking about.

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^Fair enough.


The shiekhs also need to do more to make sure their message is not twisted. A blog/website would clarify things no?

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^^ You think people would still not twist it or follow what's been reported by others? :D


(I refer you to the Al Azhar thread we had here recently).

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If they made their fatwas available for people to read for themselves on a blog/website it would be the source. People would go to the source instead of going with how the media play it. This would remove any doubts/confusion people have. If they disagree they disagree but at least they know exactly what the fatwa contains.


It would take a while for people to stop listening to the media and go straight to the source but it would change things big time.


The other thread I agreed with you. This is more about the shiekhs pre-empting/limiting confusion/criticism. At the moment its open season and they have only themselves to blame.


PR training ayey u baahanyihiin.

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I understand that one should respect learned people. If a learned person is conflicting with the truth as we know it. We should speak out.


Sheikh al Barrak’s fatwa had called for the execution of anyone who says mixing of sexes is allowed in Islam because “he is allowing what is not allowed, and therefore he is a kafir who left the religion and should be killed if he does not change his opinion”.

So he is basically saying you're a kafir if you allow people to mix and you should be excuted?

Wait a minute his message was twisted!!

Sheikh al Barrak told the newspaper that his fatwa had been misinterpreted by his students and was posted on the internet inaccurately.



He said he meant the fatwa only to refer to men and women mixing in private places, alone.

:confused: :confused: No it is not. He is still wrong. There is no confusion here. Stating that men and women can mix be it private or public wont (a) make you Kafir (b) warrant your untimely DEATH. So see, he is still wrong.



Whilst the conditions of Saudi women are not perfect they are not as sheltered and cocooned as you seem to think (by your reply here and how positive you think that a Saudi woman appearing on TV is). Saudi women do have voices and are making their voices heard.

Really? How so? Last time I checked, they couldnt walk outside of their homes alone, couldnt drive, run bussinesses on their own, didnt hold voting power, werent part of the goverment decisions, and when they appeared on T.V and ruffled the ruling party's(men)feathers, there werent any short death threats and men willing to sever their heads.

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^Wax baad isku qaldeysaa walaal, waxaase ka daran inaad adiga & tii gabaydayba oo diinta Jaahi ka ah aad the likes of Sheikh Al Barraak waa qaldantahay dhahdaan!, waa siduu Nabigu (SC) u sheegay:

وينطق فيها الرويبضة .. قالوا وما الرويبضة يا رسول الله ؟ قال : الرجل التافه يتكلم فى أمر العامة

In this case: Al mar'atul taafiha :D

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It's a gradual decay, dear. First it is ok to criticise scholars that are considered erroneous but soon it is ALL scholars. Because, frankly, what would stop everyone from criticising and rubbishing all the scholars? If people took or left the fatwas without commenting or getting tribal in their condemnations we really would not have that many problems and divisions.


The point about Saudi women is that they regularly appear on TV and make their voices heard. Your words made it sound as if you think this was the first woman to appear on TV with such a poem (and this was merely a trivial show by the way).

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Wax baad isku qaldeysaa walaal, waxaase ka daran inaad adiga & tii gabaydayba oo diinta Jaahi ka ah aad the likes of Sheikh Al Barraak waa qaldantahay dhahdaan!, waa siduu Nabigu (SC) u sheegay:

وينطق فيها الرويبضة .. قالوا وما الرويبضة يا رسول الله ؟ قال : الرجل التافه يتكلم فى أمر العامة

In this case: Al mar'atul taafiha

Funny walee. How exactly did you come to the conclusion that I and SHE are both Jaahils of diin?By any chance, is it because we're women that you assume we dont know what we're talking about? :rolleyes:



It's a gradual decay, dear. First it is ok to criticise scholars that are considered erroneous but soon it is ALL scholars. Because, frankly, what would stop everyone from criticising and rubbishing all the scholars? If people took or left the fatwas without commenting or getting tribal in their condemnations we really would not have that many problems and divisions.


Lol! How is it a gradual decay? This is not the Catholic Church where priests cannot be questioned. The Culima are humans; they can make errors. If a Fatwa is in a conflict with the Sharia Law, you say "sorry, thats simply not correct" which is NOT the same as attacking the Culima, defaming them or insulting them. And yes, I know that Saudi Women appear on T.V. and she is no pioneer. I meant they dont have the luxury to air the grievances on air often.

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C&H, Jaahil & Arrogant at the same time!.


Ragga & Dumarka iney is dhexgalaan diintu ma oggola, tobanaan daliil ah ayey leedahay, Kitaabul Salaat ilaa Kitaabul Xaj, marka haddii laguu sheego adillada eed iska diiddo eed Alle & rasuulkiis ku been abuurato eed tiraahdo Ilaah & Rasuulkiis baa is dhexgalka ii banneeyey weeye wuxuu Sheekhu ka hadlayo.

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Stay with me in a straight line now. This woman did not question, she wrote a poem that criticises and ridicules. Che says such decay is good, do you agree?


The Catholic Church assumes that priests are infallible. You know and I know that Islam does not share that view, so lets not go down that line please. The point here is about mocking the scholars, even when they're wrong.



Maddeey there is having a totally different argument with you. Don't confuse me with him please. :D

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