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Hissa Hilal - Saudi woman sparks controversy in 'Millions Poet' contest

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Maalin wanaagsan Maaddeey, Waa maxay Feedhka iyo Laadku! ma Xalwo Hilaal (Hissa Hilal) baad isku dileeysaan :D:D:D

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Originally posted by Khayr:

Interesting discussion and the only with some clarity is Maaddey.


The point of contention is:


- the whole Idea of an American Idol style poetry contest in the muslim world?


- Insulting muslims and the ulama on T.V. and being applauded for it (it is a sign of fusuq and not iman).

The first point is irrelevant. Such competitions have been going on for hundreds of years. Now it is more global and there is NOTHING wrong with it (the competition itself).


The second point is where there is a discussion.


Firstly, she didn't insult Muslims.


Secondly, she criticised a sheikh for issuing a fatwa. The sheikh clarifies his fatwa and states that it was misinterpreted/misunderstood. Would he have done that if she didn't criticise it?


Like I already said, some sheikhs bring criticism onto themselves and their fellows by issuing ambiguous fatwas in the first place and not doing anything to limit the ensuing confusion/criticism. They are, in many cases, more blame worthy than the any ensuing bandwagons.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

^What do you mean sxb, I said: the muran is not personal, no need to defend her from me

Ninyow maal mahan too defencive baad noqotay. icon_razz.gif Muran iyo kaftan kala garo :D

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