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The average Xabashi's Wish - For Koora Tuunshe to reflect on

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I got this comment posted under the headline of a topic about the death of Adan Hashi Ayrow-in ( a Tigre website). The comment gives a clue as to the hostility and biblical beliefs of the Xabashi's. Something we all knew for a long time, but those who flirt with new found love for xabashi,in Somalia, had no chance to see. Infact, the new theory of this group is there is no hostility between Ethiopia and Somalia. Well, at least this man is not mincing his words and is not hiding his intentions. Does he?


"Fight the jihadists! Stop ignorance and sissy political correctness!Osama Bin Laden's brother has proposed building a bridge across Mandab Strait on the Red Sea, to link Djibouti to Yemen. The 28.5km bridge will cost around $70bn,and will probably be called, "The Jihad Bridge". Let them build it, Ethiopians will call it " The Abraha & Atsbeha Bridge", and will use it as the gateway for the prophecised destruction of the Kaaba in Mecca. Sooner or later this has to happen." 3rd Force

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The Abraha & Atsbeha...Odd coincidence both names are Tigre names. It is this and much more dheg-xumo, that will never allow a good Somali to live with Xabashi's no matter hard he tries.

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^arintaan waxba ka badli mayso haba yaraatee ... nimankii la saftay oo dabo dhilifka u ahaa ... sow may cadaabin ?


haday wax ku waano qaadanayeen markaas bay indhaha kala furi lahaayeen.

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war horta mid kale oo isna geela kula leh,ma aabahaa baa?? Abu-Geljire?

One of you need to change the name. Now,Nimanku maxay u jeedaan? Is it only because tolkiibaa taliya that is the only motive for siding with aggression? Bal arintaa iga soo update garee. Mid la yidhaa General Duke isaga iska daa, waa xaafadee!!

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^ :D dhowr jeer oo la isku kayn qalday ayaan arkay.

abti... Abuu geeljire waa nin caaqil ah .. marka dacwo ma qabo in la igu qaldo .. fikradihiisa siyaasadeed waa ku raacsanahay marka intaasaa muhim ah.

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As we stand divided by our minute differences,unable to see the truth or have the ability to actual understand,their art of war.


Why are the Ethiopian in complete accord with their president in this matter,its because of their belief and utter contempt for Islam.They believe there is a serious threat that is coming from Arabs [saudis]disguised as Somali Islamists.They believe that the Saudis have always declared that "the land of the first hijra should be a muslim land". They believe they are vulnerable to be attacked in all angles,they fear the Nile could be used as a tool to get to them..For them its a matter of survival,to keep their heritage and faith intact.And now this brigde linking they feel extremely vulnurable.


The sad thing is,we have become our own worst enemy and cant see who is the real enemy,some actually see them as liberators from their own brethern..If Ethiopians belief is so strong, why is our weak? Why arent we standing together to defend our faith,we are a long way from standing together but surely if the issue is our faith are we trully going to stand on the sides and compromise with the enemy?



Someone I know said this to me, awhile ago...what you somalis have to understand as long as there is a territorial ambition of Somalis and their recent association with Islamists,we[Ethiopians] will never settle relations...[interesting huh!]


I definetly am getting off the fence,for awhile with a desire to see peace in our country I was blind enough to believe perhaps perhaps..but I am ashamed of that thought..peace at what cost? Especially when its no longer about somali civil war, but war of terror on Islam.. :(

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The most astonishing thing to me is some SOLers are doing their work for them .. I don't mean supporting the TFG because truth be told there a few TFG supporters who oppose the resistance on political grounds not religious but I have been noticing something for a while now.


some people act as if Islam or Islamist or even aspiring to Muslim principles is a something to be ashamed about ... a right wing .. hate filled bible toting ignorant hillbilly making these kind of comments i would not be surprised but somali muslim ah ?


comments such as:


- 'they are attempting to establish an Islamic state in the horn of Africa'


- 'They are Islamists '


is this what people have been reduced to, calling someone Islamist as if it were an accusation or something dirty ... was there ever a time such a person would be proud to be called an Islamist ??? I am an Islamist and damn proud of it ... establishing an Islamic state in the Horn of Africa is an honorable goal.


**winning a debate on a discussion board with people who dont even know you uma qalanto waxyaaba qaar aad ku hadashaan**

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The most astonishing thing to me is some SOLers are doing their work for them .. I don't mean supporting the TFG because truth be told there a few TFG supporters who oppose the resistance on political grounds not religious but I have been noticing something for a while now.


some people act as if Islam or Islamist or even aspiring to Muslim principles is a something to be ashamed about ... a right wing .. hate filled bible toting ignorant hillbilly making these kind of comments i would not be surprised but somali muslim ah ?


comments such as:


- 'they are attempting to establish an Islamic state in the horn of Africa'


- 'They are Islamists '


is this what people have been reduced to, calling someone Islamist as if it were an accusation or something dirty ... was there ever a time such a person would be proud to be called an Islamist ??? I am an Islamist and damn proud of it ... establishing an Islamic state in the Horn of Africa is an honorable goal.


There are unfortunately quite a few of ours who have been thorougly brainwashed and riddled with inferiority complex by the neo-colonialists, and who busy themselve with public statements & interviews on how to contain "radicalization".


Taking profit of our naivety and skillfully manipulating clans as their tool of trade, they are hell bent on "converting" as many Somalis as possible into Agnostism & Atheism, or at the very least turn them into Secular "Muslims", "bulwark against extremism" (Shariah & Da'wah in far right & evangelist terminology).


What should we then expect from people who consider Ethiopians as fellow Christians and their saviour against "Islam(ism)", alongside US evangelists or other Western neo-colonialists?


Albeit largely unknown to our forefathers who resisted acculturation throughout centuries, with the only difference been the then "superpower" as Muqdisho used to be bombed by the Portuguese Navy in the name of the Christ at the time of Imam Ahmed Gure, the diagnosis of this imported cancer is straightforward as they focuse exclusively on exploiting the slightest opportunity to create or aggravate inter-clan mistruts while denying the countless crimes and inhumanity of their fellw crusaders on every turn.


What better treatment, therefore, than to leave no stone unturned to foster exactely the opposite atmosphere of Brotherhood and Solidarity those Unbound by Any Value are visibly So Keen to Destroy (to the point of getting creative when there is not "enough" inter-clan animosities for their taste)?

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Originally posted by -Lily-:

This is gibberish, there are haters everywhere on the planet, nothing new.

True,but if those haters are at the helm of their nation, and definately you have reason to worry.A lot Ethoipians waxaa kuqafulan Soomaaliya was part of their lost empire and one thought Somali irridentism was bad.


That said, I think the hate and contempt the Ethiopian leadership has for Somalia shouldn't be what unites.

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^^^That is still beside the point. The problem is not the Ethiopians as everyone so conveniently loves to blame them, it lies with the Somalis that allowed the Ethiopians to reach the stage that they have in their role within Somalia. Regardless of our love or hate for Ethiopia, it should never be more than a neighbouring country with whom we must remain civil, whether its population is filled with hate for us & fantasizes about our imminent destruction is neither here nor there.



p.s. Geel Gire, people have the right to oppose Al Shabab & their methods, who would blindly follow anyone who claims God is on their side? The means employed are just as important as the end goal, and unjust means will never result in just end.

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It can be the Jihad Bridge in the meantime .... and it can be the bridge where the Xabashis will use to destroy the Ka'bah at the end where Thusuwaiqatayn will be the last one to destroy the Ka'bah like the Hadith Said.

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Contrary to your assumption of a harmiouns nation leading to a peaceful country, the evidence doesn't support you. In Ethiopia, the hostility among Tigre V Amhara, Amhara V Oromo, Oromo V Tigre, Sidama V Wolayta, Somali V highlanders, Afar V Issa, Gambella V Tigre etx etc is to the proportion of the somali inter-clan feuds and ten times more. Yet, the country is functioning because the regime managed to rule (with or without the conseusus of the people). In Uganda, the NRA managed to rule for so long not because everyone there is pleased with it. In kenya, Kikuyus and Luos don't see eye to eye.Yet, kenya is not in disarry , save for the recent hiccup.


What is my point? If you are expecting the internal somali clan fueds to end first, for a national consensus to emerge, you are mistaken. Somali conflict has assumed an ideological and political perspective over the years. The clan thing is only the top soil. One of the warring groups must win (for the ideologiacl differences are irreconcible) and then rule the country. Even with the clan thing, one clan must be percieved to have won. For if we keep on associating leaders of the protagonists in the conflict as carrying the whole of their kins, we will always be labeling the opposing gropus as clans. To me, the TFG is not one clan and the courts are not one clan, either. at least not now-if we leave the beginning out of the equation. It is after one side wins, that whoever has won will be challanged by a new group of forces coalescing aroung common agenda. Unfortunately that has been the route toward the formation of a functioning states and nations. Somalia is not an exception. The only problem is a big neighbour-on the payroll of the US, wants to make sure the "existing equilibrium of opposing sides" stays as it is.


Ethiopia is not there to enable the TFG to win and rule the country. I have amble evidences, but I don't think i should go into the details, here. Ethiopia is there to ensure the anarchy previals. That leaves one side out of the calculation- the TFG ever winning. With no popular support and with Ethiopia sabotaging it, its chances of success are nil. Can the other side win? They can overrun the TFG in few days (if Ethiopia is not there). When they do that, the whole country will come under their rule. (if some clans are angry i don't care. Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility therom dictates you cannot please everyone in social decison making). Then, a new struggle will start. The struggle of shouting for democratic elections, popular participation etc. The new rulers will be influenced by the somali public, by Arab friends and by some among themselves to allow democratic elections. That way a true national assembly will be elected and the country will start the healing process. Should some jump to say, why not negotiate? I will say because that is wishful thinking. The TFG is not free, and to some extent the courts are influenced. Although i believe they can take decisions more by thhemselves than the hostage's in Baidoa.


As to your last comment, don't worry too much who claims God is on his side. Unless you are an Iconolcalst-hell bent on opposing anything, the writing in the Quran is clear. It is upto you to follow or not to follow. Why have red eyes about a clerk reading it. If you see a flaw, point to it. If you think, it doesn't suit you, leave and join whichever fiath pleased you. But most Somali;s are happy with their Islamic idintity. Who are you to challenge them to change course? The talk of insulting messengers and clerks (when actualy you have an issue with the teachings itself) is disinginous and hypocratical.


Finally, the big acrimony is whether the future Somalia should look to the west or to the east for cultural guidance in its inevitable social transformation. I say to the East; without shunning the good things we can take from the west.

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First of all, don’t twist my words, I have specific reservations about the methods of Al Shabab, not Islam itself. Do you comprehend that? It’s too easy and satisfying to term anyone who has second thoughts about them as traitors or unislamic.


As for Ethiopia being a harmonious nation, I don’t recall saying that so please go easy on the patronizing. I was responding to Che, regarding Ethiopia’s hate & how irrelevant that is in the bigger picture.

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Lily you didn't get the point i was making.. I agree with you said my issue is not with people opposing resistance but for what reasons ?


from what i have noticed there are three groups:


1- Political grounds

2- Qabil grounds

3- Religious grounds


The ones who oppose the resistance on political grounds have legitimate concerns and may not agree with everything but this is not the time we are engaged in a war with the filthy xabash any political considerations can be settled once this threat is dealt with.


The Qabil based ones I don't have to explain to anybody .. those who either oppose the resistance because they have this lopsided belief that the resistance is comprised of one qabil or the ones that have a brother/uncle/relative who works for the TFG in whatever capacity as much as i despise this group it is something very common among Somalis in general.


The worst group the one I was ranting about oppose the resistance on religious grounds they masquerade as the second group but there is a difference if you pay attention ... while the qabil based thinkers constantly cling to 'adeer' or 'tol' these guys slip in comments like " They are attempting to establish an Islamic state in the horn of Africa" or hebel is an Islamist is if it is an accusation.


you may not agree with the How an Islamic state should be setup in the horn of Africa but if someone is against an Islamic government period then that person is in the third group and I would take the Qabil obsessed one over him/her anytime ...

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