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Not to safe Uk...

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wa gwan Shujui-1 abti it aint safe 4real DA UK gettin too voilent man... the bloody country turnin out to be like america everyday yu hear about ppl gettin shot. somali youths carrying guns and using it against each other.... 14 yr olds stabbing each other.....


am just hoping dey dont give da police GUNZ thats wen all hell breaks and YEH did yu watch the documentary on BBC 1 about the racism within the police force and how some white officers dressed up like the INFAMOUS racist Ku Klux Klan


ONE officer actually said dey shud put a FIRING SQUAD AT dover and any immigrant tryin to get to the UK shud be shot heartless init..... :mad:

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Yeah scareface apparently 2 weeks ago, there was a multiple shooting in one household in Lpool (i cannot rember thereason why, as if there evere is a good reason?)but somehow all the family survived.

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