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Somali Cultural Dances

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Originally posted by Mr.Paragon:

quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:


That's theatre man, not a real folk dance, i think these sort of dances were manipulated for optimum effects. I can see 'Diissoow' style jump and slide motions (of poor quality) with the ladies gracefully (as ever
) floating to and fro.


Entertaining, yes. But original? It's hard to tell.


Dhubad lool no vids at all. Someone should do a project and collect all this folk dances/songs all across somalia/S.galbeed, nfd iyo djibouti. That would be a swell project. Highly enjoyable.


...anaa baabkeeda lay barayee

war hooy kuma bili xumaan jirinee

haddeey bilbilaabaneysaayeey

dib beey ka balaaran doontaayeey

hoy haddeey balaqleey u ektahayeey


Intaad dheregtaad dhaqaaqdaayeey

Aboow dhiisiyoow dhar noo keeneey

Dhadhaab dhinac nooga soo mariyeey

Dhankaa uur-doox ku soo jiideey

Aboow dhiisiyoow dhar noo keeneey


(The above is sang by nuune's iyo adeeradiis)
I have an audio of will cost you and dubad.

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

is the best.


I mastered younger than 10

The Jaandheer is my favourite too, mar dhaweeto intaan is iri practice-garee baan maacuuntii fadhiga taalay ja jabin gaaray, Allow ceeb astur. Also, while doing the dance you gonna feel like qoomamkii Nuune iyo Muriidi inay kugu soo dageen :D


Horta, can this also be considered a Somali Cultural Dance? Just wondering smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mr.Paragon:

Best Seylic:

Walaahi I used to imitate this traditional dance as a young man.

Salalaa salalaa caleyka hooyaalee... Weliba sacabka cajaa'ib ah.


It's indeed the best.


What about the Shir in Benaadir and Shabeelada Hoose. When the momentum picks up, it's likely that one would whirl wild and do harm to his body.



Ninka geedka saaran

Alla ya garaado siiya

Ahmed maahan waa Abuukar

Astoo leeyahee ogaada

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Paragon, iska qiro ciyaartaas ugu heersareyso waxa inta la keenaayo, mise professional ha ahaadaan mise wax kale. Che run sheegay, faradheer iyo maryooleey xee ka yaqaanaan waxaas. :D


mid kale ah ila arka. Cunugaas yar tooreyda fake ah isku gooy gooynaayo ka cabso.


N.B. -- Many gabdho way la niikiyaan markee maqlaan heestaas Xasan Aaden Samatar qaado ee Iyeeyoow Iyeeyoow, laakiin heesta waa cultural oo ciyaar gooni ah leedahay. I had seen ciyaartaas, kinda like tan ciyaalkaan perform gareynoyaan in the video.

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^Yaa faradheer ah? :D


Aliyah you are welcome dear.


NASSIR, ha kufin inadeer. Waa kaa Cawaale fadhigii burburiyey eh :D


I practice sometimes but markaad dabaq sare deggan tahay, those below you complain. Last time waxey yiraahdaan, dadbaa guriga aan degganahay isku feera. :D

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:D Dorraad 2 nin baan kala qaban weyney, kadib markii nin reer Noorad ah loogu hanjabay: 'waraa meel fadhiiso aan ku dhehe, ani mii taqaanid, walaahi moobiilaan kugu daqraa...ninkii reer woqooyi shaley beey ka gaartey.


'Waar ma anaad moobiil igu dakhreysaa, daasad yahay' lol

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